The Dual Alliance
The Three Emperors League was made amoung Germany, Austria-hungary and Russia. But in 1879 Russia left and then they changed the alliance to the Dual Allaince. Austria Germany sought the alliance with Germany in order not to have to worry about fight the fights from both fronts. -
Sinking of the USS Maine
On the 15th of Febuary the USS Maine with it's crew of 354 people blew up along the coast of Havana. The ship costs $2 million dollars to build and was completely destroyed in two explosions. Many beleive that it was cause by a mine, but later it was found out just to have been the amunition stores lit somehow. 266 of the 354 crew died because of the explosions. -
America Enters war with Spain
Fueled by the loss of the USS Maine, and because of the need to make Cuba an independent state. the USA declaired war of Spain on the 2th of April 1898. Their war cry was "remember the Maine". -
End of the Spanish-American war
The war was over, America had beaten Spain on both land and sea. In order to lessen their loss, America offered that if Spain surrendered that the USA would send the Spanish troops back for free. And Spain agreed, then set Cuba free to be it's own country. -
The Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed on the 28th of June 1914, after two assasination attempts had been made earlier that day. After the death of Ferdinand and his wife, Austria-Hungary said that they would forgive this act if all of the culprits were brought in. But they were not able to that, so Hungary declared war on Serbia. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
A month after the assasination of Franz Ferdinand Austria-Hungary still blaming Serbia declares war on Serbia. Because they were not able to arrest and hand over the culprits that were involved in the assisination they decided to declare war. They also had the support of Germany to protect them in case of more trouble. -
Germany declares war on Russia
Four days after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia. Germany declared war on Russia because Russia said that it would protect Serbia. Little did Germany know that they were entering into WWl, and they could not win. -
Germany sinks Lusitania
Lusitania was off the coast of Ireland when it was torpedoed down by a german U-boat without warning. The boat sank within 20 mins killing 1,198 people out of the 1,959 people. Germany said that they shot them down because of the possibility that they could be carring ammunition for war. -
America Joins World War One
The United States has officialy declared war on Germany after they refused to stop blowing up ships crossing their territory no matter who was on them. And after they blew up for Lusitania, Wilson asked congress if the country could go to war. On the 6th of April it was official. -
Treaty of Versailles
The treaty of Versailles was signed after the end of World War 1. It stated that Germany was to blame for the war, and that it's army was to be limited and that Germany had to pay for the war with both money and resources. These harsh terms may have been the foundation for World War 2...