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IIES History

By njharbo
  • IIES was founded

  • Seminar on Flexible Exchange Rates and Stabilization Policy

    In Auguat 1975 the Institute organized a seminar on Flexible Exchange Rates and Stabilization Policy. The papers and comments, with an introduction by Assar Lindbeck, were published in the Scandinavian Journal of Economics, No. 1976. The papers were also published as a conference volume by the Macmillian Press Ltd., London 1977. Editors: Jan Herin, Assar Lindbeck and Johan Myhrman.
  • Conference on Allocational and Structural Consequences of Short-Run Stabilization Policy in Open Economies

    In August/September 1981 the Institute in conjunction with the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation for International Cooperation in Science organized a conference on Allocational and Structural Consequences of Short-Run Stabilization Policy in Open Economies. The paeres and comments were published in the Scandinavian Journal of Economics, No. 2, 1982 and in "Long-Run Effects of Short-Run Stabilization Policy", Macmillan, London, in 1983.
  • Conference on Economic Policy in Political Equilibrium

    In June 1990 the Institute and the Centre for Economic Policy Research arranged a joint three-day conference on "Economic Policy in Political Equilibrium". About 30 researchers from Europe and the US participated in the conference, which was held at Saltsjobaden outside of Stockholm.
  • 50th Anniversary