ID skills DONE
ID skills needed for robost Board:Teacher, attorney, accountant, clergy, IT, SW, medical professional and D&A -
Develop a mentoring program - DONE
ID members who want to interview
ID potential candidates
Set up nterviews
Find candidates from all funded counties
Find candidates that can commit to responsibilities of membership
Develop Marketing strategies for recruitment
Establish venues to advertise Board openings, i.e. linked-in, volunteer of the Lehigh Valley, other sources outside of Northampton and Lehigh that are the overwhelming sources of current members. -
Develop a job description for board members
Period: to
ID Potential Candidates
Period: to
Set up Interviews
Period: to
Set up interviews
Period: to
Find candidates from all funded counties
Period: to
Find candidates that can commit to responsibilities of membership
Period: to
Investigage Board meetings re webinars
for those who are in the outer counties to recruit and retain members -
Period: to
Establish a marketing strategy for recruitment
- Establish venues to advertise Board openings, i.e. linked-in, volunteer of the Lehigh Valley, other sources outside of Northampton and Lehigh that are the overwhelming sources of current members.
Period: to
Develop a job description for board members
Investigate Webinar costs
Investigate webinar costs to see if financially feasible and bring to the board for consideration for those board members who reside in the outer counties -
Investigate Board meetings re webinar
for those who are in the outer counties to recruit and retain members -
Period: to
ID members who will interview+
Period: to
ID membersw who want to interview potential candidates
Period: to
Investigate Webinar costs
Investigate webinar costs to see if financially feasible and bring to the board for consideration for those board members who reside in all the funded counties