ICT Timeline

  • Home PC

    My favorite games were Bouncin' Babies and Dig Dug.
  • Hello Kitty Handheld Game

    This was in Canada and we didn't see anything like it in Illinois for quite a while.
  • 8 bit Nintendo

  • Mom was computer lady at school

  • Pager

    My father made me carry it so that he could ALWAYS find me.
  • First Cell Phone

  • Ebay- buyer and seller

    This was when selling was easy, you didn't even post pictures.
  • Laptop

    Since my brother was a technology kind of person, I often got his hand-me-downs.
  • First GPS

    Contained no maps or data of its own. This devise simply could keep track of where I went.
  • First Digital Camera

  • Created First Class Website

  • Kindle Fire

    A gift from my students to be used as an educational tool in my classroom.
  • Modern GPS