Skype Meeting with KAPE
The meeting is to learn from KAPE program in detail and also want to know about their target school for ICT pilot with timeframe. -
Meet with Nataljia, Founder IT Steps Academy
Learn from her experience how she apply IT curriculum to her student. And also learn how she mentor kid from from 8 years old to learn programming. -
Meeting with IT teachers from Sisowat High school
The meeting to to learn about ICT curriculum that the school apply for their NGS student and also want to know about the equipment and teacher capacity in mentoring student. -
Meeting with IT department of MoEYS and KAPE
The meeting to to brief the Director of IT Department what InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia plan and also seek for advice from them. -
Meeting with IT teachers at Sisovat High School
This meeting is to discuss in detail on the curriculum that InSTEDD iLab team had draft. With one hour discussing, the team agreed to testing and gave feedback. -
Meeting with all 4 high school IT teachers
Today meeting is to brief about project objective objective, timeframe discuss finalise curriculum, timeframe, lesson plan. 1.Presentation and agreed timefram
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14-HYSqvsW50ouHNXzQNRks1GVYBtHtZE8rQEl_thiPw/edit#slide=id.g3fabec8271_4_5- Presentation of project goalhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZFwud1vI5z5N1ptjllhkaqa_5n8jYXbhgjFdCJTF2cQ/edit#slide=id.p1
Meeting for Final Feedback from, IT Department, MoEYS
ICT Curriculum was approve by Director of ICT Department.
He suggested:
1. Revise curriculum from grade by grade.
2. Prepare slide presentation for ToT -
Training to Trainers (ToT) September 12, 2018
Objective: To train IT teachers from New Generation School(NGS) on new curriculum of computer programming. With one day training at InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia Office, 11 participants from 4 NGS schools and 3 participants from IT Department of MoEYS, are able to learn on code.org, Programming with Angry bird, Debugging with Scrat, Creating Art with Code, Loops with Rey and BB-8, While Loops with the Farmer, Until Loops in Maze and If/Else with Bee. -
ToT-Sept 25, 2018
The second ToT on Computer Programing was conducted at Bella Cuisine Restaurant. 8 participants,4 NGS schools, were able to learn to understand about problem solving, the process of solving problem with practice. The trainees learnt to realize what the computer is. They understood about input, processing, storage and output. Within one day, all trainees enjoyed learning, sharing, working as the team, and solving all issues with activities provided. -
ToT October 16, 2018
The third phase of ToT, all IT teachers is able to review the previous lessons and continue lessons 7+ and continue lessons on Function with the Harvester, Changing Variables with Bee, For Loops with Bee, Binary Images with Artist, Web Development (Chapter 2: Web Content and HTML)-- Exploring Websites ,Websites for Expression and Intro to HTML. -
4th ToT-October 25,2018
All trainees continued to explore website by using heading, digital footprint, lists, intellectual property and images, clean code and debugging, and multi-page websites. For more information, Please go to this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NCKTsRl2Bm5mH3k8o3mRpt0dpDxKc1AvH31LosOFsj4/edit?usp=sharing -
Hand Over Robot kits
We are aiming to provide the best learning for students, this Monday (Nov 5, 2018), InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia under the support from SPIDER will bring robot kits to NGS Schools. These robots will serve as a tool to help students put their theoretical learning into practice.