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English project- Inventions- Yair Navon- ט'4

  • 50 BCE

    First version of Ice cream- 500 BC

    First version of Ice cream- 500 BC
    The Persians created the first ice cream version - when they mixed snow and grape juice together - and later they perfected the invention with fruits and spices.
  • 63

    37-68: Empror Nero

    37-68: Empror Nero
    In historical documents it was found that the Emperor of the Roman Empire Nero would send slaves to bring ice from the mountains so that he could eat it as a delicacy with honey and fruit.
  • 618

    618–907:Early records of ice cream in China

    618–907:Early records of ice cream in China
    618–907: A late development of ice cream was during the Chinese Tang Dynasty when there are records of a frozen dessert made of milk and rice.
  • 800

    800-900: The recipe of ice cream is invented

    800-900: The recipe of ice cream is invented
    800- 900 –By the tenth century, the Arabs in the Middle East created a modern version of the ice cream with added sugar. The recipe included artificial ice, milk, fruit and rose water
  • 1295

    Marco Polo returns from China and introduces the ice cream

    Marco Polo returns from China and introduces the ice cream
    The Italian traveler Marco Polo introduced ice cream to Europeans in the 16th century - when he returned from his trip to China.
  • 1533

    1533- The marriage of Catherine de' Medici and Henry II

    1533- The marriage of Catherine de' Medici and Henry II
    The marriage of Catherine de' Medici and Henry II of France introduced ice cream to France, and soon after all of Europe.
  • American colonists brought along recipes from Europe.

    The earliest reference to ice cream in North America:
    "Among the rarities..was some fine ice cream, which, with the strawberries and milk, eat most deliciously."
    Written by Maryland Governor Thomas Bladen
  • Official patent for the first ice cream machine:

    Official patent for the first ice cream machine:
    on September 9, 1843, Nancy M. Johnson of Philadelphia got her “artificial freezer” patented, containing a tub, cylinder, lid, dasher, and crank. This design is still widely used today
  • First ice cream factory

    First ice cream factory
    Jacob Fussell opened America's first ice cream factories on June 15, 1851 in Baltimore. Jacob Fussell is known as the "Father of the Ice Cream Industry" because he opened the first ice cream factory in the U.S.
  • Ice cream is used to raise military morale

    Ice cream is used to raise military morale
    Ice cream was great for troop morale, and in 1943, the U.S. Armed Forces were the world’s largest ice cream manufacturers!