Iberian Peninsula

  • Jan 31, 711

    End Visigothic kingdom

  • Period: Feb 2, 711 to Feb 2, 756

    Dependent Emirate

  • Jan 31, 722

    Kingdom of Asturias---- Battle of Covadonga

  • Period: Feb 2, 722 to Feb 2, 1492


  • Jan 31, 732

    Battle of Poitiers (Pyrenees)

    Muslims defeated
  • Period: Feb 2, 739 to Feb 2, 757

    Kingdom of Asturias (Alfonso I)

    Expanded domains towards Galicia and began to occupy the northern Meseta.
  • Period: Feb 2, 756 to Feb 2, 929

    Independent Emirate

  • Feb 1, 810

    County of Aragon ---- part of Navarra

  • Jan 31, 824

    Kingdom of Pamplona formed

  • Period: Feb 2, 866 to Feb 2, 910

    Kingdom of Asturias (Alfonso III)

    Conquered Coimbra and Oporto. He divided his possessions into three kingdoms: Asturias, Galicia and León.
  • Period: Feb 2, 929 to Feb 2, 1031

    Córdoba Caliphate

  • Feb 1, 1010

    Sancho III king of the Kingdom of Pamplona

  • Period: Feb 2, 1031 to Feb 2, 1085

    Taifa kingdoms

  • Feb 1, 1035

    Kingdom of Aragon--- Independent (Ramiro I)

  • Feb 1, 1065

    Asturias---- Kingdom of Castilla

  • Period: Feb 2, 1085 to Feb 2, 1212

    North African Empires

    Almoravids and Almohads
  • Feb 1, 1110

    Kingdom of Pamplona known as Kingdom of Navarra

  • Feb 1, 1137

    Union of lands-----Ramón Berenguer IV and Petronila

  • Feb 1, 1212

    Battle of Navas de Tolosa

  • Feb 1, 1230

    The Kingdoms of Castilla and León united

  • Feb 1, 1415

    Kingdom of Portugal conquered Ceuta

  • Feb 1, 1492

    Muslims expelled from the Iberian Peninsula