Germany clonizes Rwanda
Control over Rwanda
After World War I, Belgium was given control over Rwanda. The Belgians increased the divide between the Hutus and Tutsis through the use of the eugenics, which was rather popular at the time -
Hutu rebellion
A Hutu rebellion begins against the Tutsis and Belgians. -
Rwanda gains its independence.
The RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) is created in Uganda. -
The RPF invade Rwanda, starting a civil war.
The Ten Commandments for the Hutu.
As early as December 1990, the paper published "The Ten Commandments for the Hutu." They said that any Hutu who married a Tutsi was a traitor. Also, any Hutu who did business with a Tutsi was a traitor. -
Presidential Office
The Hutus won the presidential office with banker Melchior Ndadaye, forming the first government since independence from Belgium in 1962 with elections that had been agreed to by the ruling Tutsis, but Ndadaye was assassinated shortly thereafter. -
Hutu Extremists
On April 7, Hutu extremists began purging the government of their political opponents, which meant both Tutsis and Hutu moderates were killed. This included the prime minister. When ten Belgian U.N. peacekeepers tried to protect the prime minister, they too were killed. -
Family Evacuations
March 1994, family evacuations were already executed as human rights group believed that massacres were already widespread. -
Plane Crash
At 8:30 p.m. on April 6, 1994, President Juvénal Habyarimana of Rwanda was returning from a summit in Tanzania when a surface-to-air missile shot his plane out of the sky over Rwanda's capital city of Kigali. All on board were killed in the crash. -
The Hutu president was assassinated
On April 6, 1994, the Hutu president of Rwanda, Juvénal Habyarimana, was assassinated when his plane was shot down near Kigali International Airport. -
Rwanda Genocide Massacre
One of the worst massacres of the Rwanda genocide took place on April 15-16, 1994 at the Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church, located about 60 miles east of Kigali. Here, the mayor of the town, a Hutu, encouraged Tutsis to seek sanctuary inside the church by assuring them they would be safe there. Then the mayor betrayed them to the Hutu extremistsThe killing began with grenades and guns, but soon changed to machetes and clubs. Killing by hand was tiresome, so the killers took shifts. It took two -
The Final Step
The final step that Belgium took was implementing coffee production in Rwanda. Peasant farmers, for the large part Hutus, were obligated to grow coffee beans on their land on punishment of death from Tutsi officials in a system of corvée rule. Corvée is a semantic that is one step higher than slavery. The only difference is that in corvée rule, the ruler does not own the servant outright.