Hurricane Irma Youssef

  • Friday, September 8 ( The Start Of A Catastrophe )

    Friday, September 8 ( The Start Of A Catastrophe )
    At 2pm, Hurricane Irma was 225 miles east of Caibarien, Cuba. Over the rest of the day. the storm is expected to continue west and bring hurricane conditions to Cuba and the central Bahamas. Much of Cuba's shoreline is under a hurricane warning, "according to the National Hurricane Center. The area is expected to see between 6-10 inches of rain." At this stage The central, southeastern and northwestern Bahamas are also under a hurricane warning.
  • Saturday, September 9

    Saturday, September 9
    The hurricane approches closer to cubas shorline, the storm is now expected to turn towards the north towards Florida. The exact angle and movment of the storm was yet to be sure of. But showed clear signs of hitting Florida's Coast during the morning and continuing its path towards it through the evening.
  • Sunday, September 10 ( Big Hits!)

    Sunday, September 10 ( Big Hits!)
    Irma's full force hits the Florida Keys, and the storm is expected to maintain a power of Category 4 storm as it makes Florida Landfall. With the major risk for Florida's beaches to be at the storm surge, The entire stretch of the coast from Venice around the Florida Peninsula went under a storm surge warning. Meaning it is a danger and Life-threatening Disaster and evacuation procedures should be taken.
  • Sunday, September 10 ( Monster In the Skies )

    Sunday, September 10 ( Monster In the Skies )
    By sunrise of Sunday, Hurricane Irma Slams into Florida's southern peninsula and begins to move through the state. And because of Irma's huge size, all of southern Florida saw heavy winds and rain. With the force winds stretching over 115 miles and the tropical storm force of winds stretching over 300 miles. While the Florida Peninsula width all together was only about 130 miles.
  • Monday, September 11

    Monday, September 11
    Monday morning by 8 am, The hurricane is forecasted to be nearing central northern Florida. At this point the storm has reached its maximum winds of 75 mph. Which would make it a category 1 storm. From this point on Irma continued to weaken as it crossed through florida, Irma brought after winds and rain to Alabama and georgia and south carolina after its strong hit when it began to weaken.