Human Rights timeline

  • 27 BCE

    Natural Laws

    Rome noticed that people naturally followed laws certain laws even if they were not told to and called this the natural law. People with power still trampled on the laws and didn't follow the order.
  • 539

    Cyrus Cylinder

    In 539 BC Cyrus conquers Babylon and with the power announced that all the slaves were free to go and live. He also said people have the freedom to chose there religion which was a first back then. He documented all of this on a clay tablet called the Cyrus cylinder
  • 1215

    Kings rules

    In 1215AD the king in england decides that no one can overrule the rights of people not even a king
  • America declares independence

    In 1778 the king at that point declared that all men are created equal
  • French revolution

    1789 the french revolution happened as the French fought for there own rights at the time and make a huge list of them.
  • Natural rights

    After the french fought for their rights they insisted that the rights weren't not made up but were natural and the roman concept of natural law turned into natural rights
  • Napolean

    Napolean decided to overthrow the new french democracy and crowned himself as emperor of the world
  • take down of Napolean

    In 1814 the countries of Europe joined forces to take down napolean
  • Gandi

    In 1915 Gandi insisted that all people of the earth had rights and started a movement
  • The Europeans agree with Gandhi

    In 1931 the Europeans started to agree with Gandhi and tried to spread his word