Jan 1, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta is a document stating all men remain under the law, even the king at the time. There was a difficulty in acheiving this charter. Barons, who were the social class with the biggest discomfort in this situation (and with a voice in proportion), decided to take London and forcefully make King John sign the proposal. Even though a month later the pope annulated the document, and its functionality per se was not efficient, it was the first step towards what we know as human rights. -
English Bill of Rights
In the aftermath of the english "glorius revolution", after the new reinstitution of a king or queen, a bill of rights demanded by the people was signed (by royalty). This change was the first step towards a parliamentary monarchy and a closer approach to human rights as well. -
The United States Declaration of Independence
The U.S. Declaration of Independence is a document created with the purpose to free the thrirteen colonies held by Great Britain. The Document was drafted by the Continental Congress, and its most basic ideas are based on the enlightenment thinker John Locke. Its major contribution to all men and its rights was, a man must have the right to live, have liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Having Locke´s natural laws (life, liberty and property) included, showed sparks of a new society -
Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizens
The French Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizens, is a document created by the french people due to the unfairness of the monarchical rule at the time. The third state (biggest gap of the french society at the time), overthrew the king, and the declaration was apporved by the National Constituent Assembly. The Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizens in a long run would serve as a base in the 1948 Human Rights Declaration made by the UN. -
U.S. Abolition of Salvery
The United States abolition of slavery was possible given the reason that a revolution took place. The revolution or Civil War most commonly known, had the simple purpose of abolishing, thus, slavery. The antagonists of this war were Abraham Lincoln, pro liberty and slave abolisher, and Thomas Jefferson, conservative and one of the founding fathers also supporting the fact that slave use was more efficient. After four years of war, the union won (north), and slavery was abolished. -
Imperialism in the 19th century
Imperialism in the 19th century focuses on imperial domination by the countries of U.S., Japan, Germany, some African colonies and Italy. First imperialism sign of action in that century (19th) was the second invasion U.S. lead to Mexico (1914). In 1936, Indian Civil Liberties Association took Place and later on in 1972, Angola´s Civil War. This era is considered to be a reduction to human rights, even though there were important leaders in favor of those (a concept not yet grasped). -
The Holocaust was the massive killing of 11 million people by the german Nazis, including half of the jewish population, and a great quantity of gypsies, Jehova´s witnesses, disabled or homosexual people. In this time concentration camps came to the use, were prisioners were tortured and forced to do hard labor. Adol Hitler is the main character concerning this atrocity, along with several commanders. The Holocaust ended at the same time as the WWII in 1945. Afterwards, the UN was created.