The fertilization ocurs when a sperm enter to the female reproductive system ,to fertilaize a ovule.
When the sperm and the ovule meet form a new cell called zygote. -
The embryo attaches itself to the wome wall . Blood vessels in the womb wall give to the embryo nutrients -
The human body takes about forty weeks to develop in the womb .
In the womb the ball of cells continues to divide to forms the diferent parts of the human body. -
8 weeks
All the tissues and organs develop formed.The embyro is 3 centimetres long and weighs 4 grams. -
32 weeks
At the ninth wek the placenta is develop. -
Just before the baby is born, the bag of amniotic fluid around it burts, this is called the breaking of the waters. -
After birth
After the birth, the doctors cute the umbilical cord. THIS IS THE BABY!!!