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Human Genome Timeline (TS22 module)

  • Mendel discovers laws of genetics

    Mendel discovers laws of genetics
    Gregor Mendel, through his work on pea plants, discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance. He deduced that genes come in pairs and are inherited as distinct units, one from each parent. Gregor Mendel
  • Avery, McLeod, and McCarty DNA experiments on bacteria

    Avery, McLeod, and McCarty DNA experiments on bacteria
    Avery, McLeod, and McCarty showed that DNA is the substance that causes bacterial transformation, in an era when it had been widely believed that it was proteins that served the function of carrying genetic information. Animation of Avery, McLeod, and McCarty experiments
  • Watson and Crick discover double helix structure of DNA

    Watson and Crick discover double helix structure of DNA
    When Francis Crick and James Watson modeled the structure of DNA, they used paper cutouts of the bases and metal scraps from a machine shop. Discovery of Structure of DNA
  • Genetic code is cracked by Marshall Nirenberg

    Genetic code is cracked by Marshall Nirenberg
    Marshall Nirenberg won a Nobel Prize in 1968 for his work in deciphering the sequence of DNA bases in a gene. Nobel Interview with Dr. Nirenberg
  • Sanger develops DNA sequencing technique

    Sanger develops DNA sequencing technique
    In 1977, Frederick Sanger developed the still used “rapid DNA sequencing” technique to determine the order of bases in a strand of DNA. He shared the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contributions to DNA-sequencing methods. Explanation of Sanger Sequencing
  • First genetic disease mapped (Huntington's disease)

    First genetic disease mapped (Huntington's disease)
    The location of the HD gene, whose mutation causes Huntington’s disease, was mapped to chromosome 4 in 1983, making HD the first disease gene to be mapped using DNA variants in sequence. Solve a puzzle and help genetic disease research at PHYLO
  • Human Genome Project Launched

    Human Genome Project Launched
    The Human Genome Project was an international research effort to determine the sequence of the human genome and identify the genes that it contains. The Project was coordinated by the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Energy. About the Genome Project
  • First bacteria genome is sequenced

    First bacteria genome is sequenced
    H. influenzae causes respiratory and other infections and flu. The sequence of its genome revealed the complete instruction book of a free-living organism for the first time. Its sequencing also gave insights on efficient methods for sequencing.
  • Mouse becomes first mammal whose genome is sequenced

    Mouse becomes first mammal whose genome is sequenced
    In 2002, the international Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium announced their publication of a high-quality draft sequence of the mouse genome. Scientists were able, for the first time, to compare and contrast the human genome sequences with those of another mammal. Mouse Genome completed
  • Human Genome Project completed

    Human Genome Project completed
  • 1000 Genomes Project begins

    1000 Genomes Project begins
    The project was an international effort to create a detailed catalog of human genetic variation. Scientists sequenced the genomes of a thousand anonymous participants from a number of different ethnic groups. Genomics Fun Facts on Flickr
  • 100,000 Genomes Project begins

    100,000 Genomes Project begins
    The 100,000 Genomes Project is a UK Government project that is sequencing whole genomes from its National Health Service patients. Participants give consent for their genome data to be linked to information about their medical condition and health records. Interview with Genomics England Chief Scientist Mark Caulfield
  • 1000 Genomes Project completed

    1000 Genomes Project completed