Blood and Iron Speech
Prussia must concentrate and maintain its power for the "favorable moment which has already slipped by several times. Prussia's boundaries according to the Vienna treaties are not favorable to a healthy state life. The great questions of the time will not be resolved by speeches and majority decisions—that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood." On this day and in this speech Bismark proposed his ambitions which included the used of military power to unify Germnay. -
The Schleswig-Holstein Question
King Christian IX of Denmark became king of Denmark and duke of Schleswig and Holstein on this very day. And on 18th Nov he signd the Danish November constitution which declared the duchy of schleswig denmark. This violated the London protocal. Hence the Austrians and the Germans declared war on denmark. In the end they gained control of ducky of schleswig. -
War between Austria and Prussia
The two powers claimed to speak for the whole of Germany. Hence a universal sufferage and a council was called to elect a diet for the whole of Germany. However the talks failed as Italy(Ally of Prussia) provoked Austira. As a result there mass moblizations of troops in between the three countries. The tension between the free nations grew and a war enveloped. The war at its decline became an advantage to Prussia. It allowed it to annex states such as Hanover, Hesse-Kassel and Nassa. -
Franco -Prussian war
Spain overthrowned there old ruler and are looking for a new one. Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, a prince of the Catholic cadet Hohenzollern line was selected as candidate as ruler of Spain. The French saw this as a threat and issued an ultimatum. The French further pressured the King of Prussia to relaease a statement to never agree of installing a Hohenzollern to the throne.The king refused causing Bismark to write to the press about the Frenchs demands with a stronger tone. War began. -
Proclamation of German Empire
King Wilhelm the first of Prussia was crowned emperor of Germany at the Halls of Mirrors in France. -
Treaty of Frankfurt
After the Franco-Prussian war in which France lost. IT was Forced to pay by Germany Alsace ,Lorraine and a large sum of money as reperation. -
Is an alliance between Russia, Austria and Germany. However the terms were muddled. -
Dual alliance
Alliance between Austira and Germany. Bismarck’s system to limit war.Pledged to aid one another when attacked by Russia.Also pledged to stay neutral if attacked by another European power -
Treaty of Berlin
Russia defeated Ottoman empire. Forces Ottoman Empire to sign Treaty of san stefano,this allowed Russia to gain considerable influence in the Balkans. The Austrians were outraged. The Germans became the mediater of the incident. They asked Russia to compensate Austria for lost territory to ease tension. Even though the incident had come to an end so did the relationship between Russia with Austria and Germany. -
Triple Alliance
Alliance between Austria, Germany and Italy. Each Nation promised to give mutual support to each other when attacked by a Greater NAtion. -
Serbo- Bulgarian War
Bulgaria tries to unify with Rumelia. Serbia feels threatened, Austria sees it as a threat to its influence in the Balkans and Russia is also displeased as it is not in favor of there interest. Austria influences Serbia to attack Bulgaria. Serbia attacks BUlgaria. However loses and the unification had to accepted. Russia was dissatisfied with the failure of Austria. Relations deteriorated. -
Reinsurance Treaty
"Germany and Russia both agreed to observe neutrality should the other be involved in a war with a third country. Neutrality would not apply should Germany attack France or Russia attack Austria–Hungary.In the most secret completion protocol Germany declared herself neutral in the event of a Russian intervention in the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles." Quote from Wiki -
Succession of Kaiser Wilhelm the second
Bismark dismissed from Office
Result of a series of clashes between ideas of BIsmarck and Kaiser II. -
Franco-Russian alliance
Mutual assistance if attacked by GermanyMobilization when triple alliance mobilize Anti-British (mutual support imperial dispute) -
Russo-Japanese War
The imperial ambition of Russia and Japanese over MAnchuria and Korea pulled both nations into a war. -
ENtente cordiale
France recognised British control over Egypt.Formalisation of peacful co-existence between two countries. Allowed French to provide assisstancein Morocco to preserve order . -
First Moroccan Crisis
French tries to turn Morocco into its mandate. However Germany favored Moroccos's independence. A conference was called. At the end France yield control of Moroccan police but retained political and finnacial affairs. -
Anglo-German Naval Race
Both Germany and Britian competed over building ships known as the Dreadnought in order to establish greater Naval forces in order to build a greater Empire by controlling the seas. -
Triple Entente
The three nations joined together to become allies -
Bosnian crisis
Austria tried to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina during a revolution in the ottoman empire. Met opposition from Serbia. However this was greeted by a Russian minister as he also wanted to carve land out of the Ottoman empire. Eventhough there was support from Russia, the Tsar condemned there action. This led to increase in tension. However a war did not start as Russia refused to confront Austria. -
Second Moroccan Crisis
Rebellion broke out which was against the Sultan. THe French sent troops to protect its assets and put down the rebellion. The Germans sent a gun Boat to Morocco as they thought the French were trying to seize Morocco. In the end Fench got most of Morocco and GErmany got some parts of French Congo. -
The Balkans war
Due to complications of the first Balkan war a second started. Bulgaria attacked Serbia and Greece. However the war ended with Bulgaria losing. -
The road to war
-Assaination in sarajevo.
-Austria declares war
-German declares war.
-Britian declares war
-RUssia declares war
-turkey joins war -
Russian revolution
Tsar Nicholas is over thrown -
Usa joins war on Brits side
End of war
Treaty of versailles