My birth
My mother gave birth to me on this day. My father was the first one that held me. The day was significant because it was my origin of my physical body. My physical body allows me to interact with the physical world. -
My mother impacted my life, because she gave birth to me. She raised me to seek balance between the thinking and taking action, and she's been a guiding figure throughout my life. -
My dad provided me with more resources and thinking patterns to process the world around me, and we have political discussions all the time, made to make me ponder more upon the unseen knowledge. -
My grandparents gave me the chinese traditional views on the world. Get good grades, build discipline in your life, and love your family. They also planted seeds of doubt in my mind, telling me to trust nothing, and use the money to benefit yourself -
My sister was an influential figure in my life, she kind of mimicked what I did as a child, so I could see if I was healthy through another external reference point. I was a leader figure for her as a child, and we usually just played around together -
I was introduced into the world of education. The beginning of my first era. Beginning kindergaten taught me basic skills, like basic speech, walking, manners, and basic interaction and memorisation. It improved my basic physical aspects. -
International Christian School
I entered ICS during R2. It was my first interactions with God, and I thought he was very special. I loved the Bible stories, they always had a mystical, unknown, yet meaningful aspect to it. I really liked the whole concept behind God and the stories, but I wasn't sure if I believed it. So I didn't go to church -
Elementary School
I began 1st grade. The beginning of a new era.Throughout my years of elementary, I would learn languages, foundations of science, foundations of math, foundations of memorisable knowledge. Through this period I would learn the basics of everything and formed my common sense. This period would see improvements in my physical, communication, and cognitive skills. -
Middle School
I was 12. My 3rd era. As a new 6th grader I didn't know much but I thought I knew everything. From this day forward I had to learn time management skills, organisational skills, applicational skills rather than pure knowledge compared to the 8 years before. I would delve deeper in each of the skills. So executive, physical, cognitive, spiritual, communication skills were used. -
Local Church
This was the first time I decided to go to church. I wanted to understand God from a perspective of connections and community, so church was an obvious viable option. I learned about God being represented in different ways, met a good mentor who I discussed ideas with as well. -
Summer Camp
I came to the decision that I would believe in God on this summer church camp. There was a warm, humid summer breeze, as I decided to put my entire faith into God. I realised that Jesus was my saviour and my salvation, and God was my drive. I stood with confidence and pride. -
Age of Enlightenment
Around age 13, on a mellow autumn day, I began contemplation and thinking hard on the big questions. What was time? Who am I? Why are things unfair? I started answering them with shallow answers, showering people and myself with thoughts around these, but I would build on them from now on. I doubted God's existence, and fell into agnosticism. I slowly stopped going to church from this day on. -
Diogenes was a philosopher who taught me to question society, and tell me that power corrupts. I concluded he tells us that building power alone first is better than leading people all at once. -
Nassim Taleb
I read his book "the black swan" and it offers many life lessons. It tells us that unpredictably encompasses everything, and we need to try to get a step ahead of others to succeed in life. We need to rationally form pictures and concepts but be open to change. -
Daniel Kahneman
He's a person that wrote the book thinking fast and slow. What I found the most interesting about his theories was that he knows that we are unpredictable. By nature, we are irrational and unpredictable, but through those fallacies we need to learn how to think both fast, slow, accurate, and make less mistakes. -
Western Philosophies
I began looking at western philosophies extensively, and absurdist and nihilistic themes came up over and over again, making me lose hope and feel like the world was black and white, full of boring categorical knowledge, logic patterns, people, and lack of meaning as a means. I realized that the western philosophies about manipulation and greed made so much more sense compared to God's teachings, and in this wretched world I had to rely on my own willpower. So I became static in my thinking. -
Robert Greene
Robert Greene's book of the 48 laws of power was profound, it taught me how to keep my mentality at the top, and perspectives to allow me to doubt and be effective. He taught important qualities of a individual leader as well -
Ludwig Wittgenstein
In a few of his articles, he talks about the relationship between language and the world. He was also one of the beginners of the analytical philosophy movement, which was interesting because he used logic to determine relationships for the interconnectivity of everything, and how he talked about the grander picture was interesting. He had an intriguing mind. -
Carl Jung
Carl Jung had interesting stories to tell. The subconscious mind can tell us a lot about our inner nature and desires. If we can use this to our advantage, we might be able to find a way to harness it. He provided insights to the human psyche as well, there are some components he labelled as archetypes, he noted different thinking styles and patterns. -
Eastern Philosophies
I began to accept gray areas in the world, the hidden connectivity, holistically, and a calming of the soul. Sudden insights came to my mind realising that God exists in forms that are unconventional, I have just been looking in sequences the whole time, where really I should be letting go. Eastern idealism taught me to see things in another way, another light, synthesising and concepts, and teaching me yin and yang. Currently I'm in an agnostic, believing God exists in ways that are hidden.