How Hitler Rose to Power

  • Period: to

    Hitler's Rise

  • Workers' Party

    After being in the Munich's Workers' Party for a year, Hitler was responsible for creating the party's propaganda. The party ended up renaming itself not long after, becoming the National-sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Nazi).
  • Becoming Leader

    In 1921 he was appointed as leader of this party. He wasted no time in spreading more propaganda and inviting important people to see why his party was fighting for the right thing.
  • The Melee

    Trying to gain more power in the Munich, Hitler joined with General Ludendorff attempted to use the confusion the people were experiencing to their advantage. This eventually broke out into a struggle that left four police dead, marchers injured, and Hitler in prison.
  • In Prison

    While he was supposed to be confined for five years, Hitler ended up only serving nine months. During this time he worked on an autobiography that contained his plans and ideas that attributed to his beliefs.
  • Adjustments

    While Hitler was in prison, the Nazis were struggling with issues that built tension inside their party. To make matters worse, when Hitler was released in 1924 he found that he was no longer allowed to make speeches in Bavaria, which other states followed.
  • Leverage

    While the Nazis numbers began to grow, Hitler found himself alongside Gregor Strasser, whose majority of followers were in northern Germany.
  • Cause and Effect

    Due to a mix of nonstop propaganda and struggles the depression caused, more and more important people begin to join the Nazi party. By the time 1928 rolled around it was the second largest party in the country.
  • Depression

    Following Germany's financial problems was political frailty. This caused the people to grow restless and desperate. Hitler knew he could feed off of this and use the lack of money to his advantage.
  • More People

    When Hitler obtained a place in Alfred Hugenburg's newspapers thanks to an alliance, his words were able to go as far as the nation was. Everyone who ordered a paper could read what he had to said, something that had not been accomplished for him until now.
  • The National Election

    When Hitler ran against Hindenburg for the title of presidency he managed to grab 36.8% of votes in the second ballot. He knew he had his people behind him and that they would fight for him. Even though his party's votes began to decrease, Hitler announced that the only title he would next accept was chancellor of Germany. He again, knew his people would fight for him and they did, securing his title.