Florida Annual Cancer Report: 2003 Incidence and Mortality
Ros, Ana M., M.D. Florida Annual Cancer Report: 2003 Incidence and Mortality. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Health, 2007. Print. This particular article refers to the mortality rate in the state of Florida, the types of treatments used in breast cancer, and it compares it with past years. This particular article is important to my topic because it allows a look at what the statistics were just a few years ago, it also allows to see any progress that has been made. -
Living Through Breast Cancer
Kaelin, Carolyn M., and Francesca Coltrera. Living through Breast Cancer: What a Harvard Doctor and Survivor Wants You to Know about Getting the Best Care While Preserving Your Self-image. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005. Print.
This book gives insight from a doctor who has survived breast cancer, it is both full of facts, and personal expierence which allow for a better understanding of how everyone is affected by breast cancer, even doctors. -
Breast Cancer Trends among Young Women in the United States
Family History of Breast Cancer, Mammographic Features of Breast Tissue, and Breast Cancer Risk
Jacques Brisson
Epidemiology, Vol. 2, No. 6 (Nov., 1991), pp. 440-444
Published by: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20065723
This particular article focuses on how mammographs have affected women's diagnosis, and how breast cancer is being caught so much earlier, even the mortality rate has not changed, the amount of diagnosis has. -
The Biopolitics of Breast Cancer
Klawiter, Maren. The Biopolitics of Cancer. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 2008. Print. This book focuses on the political aspects of Breast Cancer, what people are doing to push awareness, and why it is so important to stand up and speak. It also explains treatments and how to keep going despite being diagnoised. It shows how people are becoming more aware of this illness. It makes for ingsight on what we all can do to help spread the word about Breast Cancer. -
Matectomy: What to Expect
"Mastectomy: What to Expect." Breastcancer.org. N.p., 16 May 2013. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.
This article explains the procedure of having a mastectomy, which is the procedure to take out the cancer from the breast. The article allows for a clear explanation of procedures currently being used, it explains the risks, and how the patient will feel after the surgery. The article allows for support and enhances the knowledge of treatments being used to current date. -
Cancer Facts and Figuers
O'shaughnessy, Joyce A. "Breast Cancer Vaccines." Clinical Breast Cancer 3 (2003): S133. Http://www.cancer.org/acs/groups/content/@research/documents/document/acspc-042725.pdf. American Cancer Society, 2013. Web.
This puplication is a complete analysis of current cancer numbers, from diagnosis, to deaths, it also discusses the, "hope for the future," it alows demonstration of why research is so important, because it allows for researches to see if the treatments are in fact working.