300px siege of paris

How did the events of the Franco-Prussian war contribute to the development of WW1

  • Franco-Prussian War Begins

    Franco-Prussian War Begins
    The Franco-Prussian War began on July 19, 1870 (Naranjo). This war started because Napoleon III was told by his advisors that he would easily win the war and would gain back the love of his citizens (Naranjo).
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    2 French Armies captured

    The Prussians seize 2 French armies with the French Emperor (Napoleon III) being captured with the second army (Naranjo).
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    France wants Revenge on Germany

    The people of France wanted revenge on the Germans for taking the city away; the anger built up inside of them until the start of WWI (Franco-German War).
  • Italy Annexed the Church States

    Italy Annexed the Church States
    With Napoleon III no longer in power, there was nobody to protect the church states; Italy annexed them (Franco-German War).
  • Alsace-Lorraine was annexed by Germany

    Alsace-Lorraine was annexed by Germany
    The most contributive factor to World War 1 was the German annexing of the French city of Alsace-Lorraine (Franco-German).
  • Convention of Versailles

    Convention of Versailles
    Paris capitulated and all fighting ended, except at Belfort. All French regular troops of the garrison and the gardes mobiles became prisoners of war, while the forts around the city were occupied by Germans (Franco-Prussian War).
  • French Revolt

    French Revolt
    Governement troops fled to Paris and Communards murdered many people. Government control was re-created by the end of the week (Franco-Prussian War).
  • France in Debt

    France in Debt
    When the war finished, France was so in debt that it should have taken them thirty to fifty years to recuperate (Ando). The French were able to pay back $1,000,000 in 3 years (Clarke).
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    After the War

    With Germany winning the war, they became the most powerful country in Europe (Ando). Also after the war, France was no longer an empire (Narajo).
  • World War 1 Starts

    World War 1 Starts
    German forces attacked the French thouroughly, leaving the country hungry and in great debt (Ando).The French had no choice but to surrender to the superior Germans.Germany annexed the French territory of Alsace-Lorraine, one of France's most beloved cities (Showalter).This is considered one of the most contributing factors to World War 1 because the French wanted revenge on Germany (Clarke).This hatred grew inside of France until the war started, causing World War 1 (Naranjo).
  • World War 1 Starts cont..

    World War 1 Starts cont..
    With Germany winning the war, they established themselves as the dominant country in Europe (Franco-German).Looking to gain more strength, they formed alliances with surrounding countries (Franco-Prussian).However, this was not enough for Germany.The driving force for more power was the main cause of World War 1 (Naranjo).