How did the assassination in Sarajevo lead to war?

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated.

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated.
  • Germany sends a blank cheque to Austria-Hunagary.

  • Austria blames Serbia for the killing of Archduke Ferdinand.

    Austria blames Serbia for the killing of Archduke Ferdinand.
  • Austria declares war on Serbia, Belgrade (in Serbia) was shelled.

    Austria declares war on Serbia, Belgrade (in Serbia) was shelled.
  • The Russian army gets ready to help Serbia defend itself against the Austrian attack.

    The Russian army gets ready to help Serbia defend itself against the Austrian attack.
  • Germany sends a demand to Russia ordering it to hold back from helping Serbia.

    Germany sends a demand to Russia ordering it to hold back from helping Serbia.
  • Germany declares war on Russia. It also begins to move its army towards France and Belgium.

    Germany declares war on Russia. It also begins to move its army towards France and Belgium.
  • The French army is put on a war footing ready to fight any German invasion.

  • Germany declares war on France and invades neutral Belgium. Britian orders Germany to withdraw from Belgium.

    Germany declares war on France and invades neutral Belgium. Britian orders Germany to withdraw from Belgium.
  • The Germans are still in Belgium. Britian declares war on Germany.

  • To complete the picture Austria declares was on Russia.