How did Mussolini and Hitler rises to power?

  • Mussolini

    In 1919 created Italian squad.
    In 1921 combat squad became the National fascist party and Mussolini won a seat in the Italian Chamber of Deputies.
    In October 31 of 1922 became the youngest Prime Minister (he was the 40th)
    In 1925 he made himself dictator.
    In 1929 treaty about the long standing dispute between Italy and Roman Catholic Church.
    In 1935 Ethiopian war.
    In 1936 sent militaries to Spanish dictator.
  • Hitler

    In 1929, the Great Depression happened.
    The already struggling German economy collapsed overnight. Hitler took advantage of the people's anger, offering them scapegoats and a promise to restore Germany's former greaness.
    In 1932 Hitler ran for president, losing the election.
    When President Hindenburg died in August 1934, many of Hitler's early measures didn't require mass repression.
    His speeches exploited people's fear and ire to drive their support behind im and the Nazi party.