How did England become a Constitutional Monarchy

  • Jun 1, 1215


    In England it is the highest legislature, consisting of the sovereign, The House of Lord, and The House of Commons.
  • Death of Elizabeth l

    The first part of England becoming a Constitutional Monarchy is the Death of Elizabeth l which happened on March 24, 1603
  • King James l

    Was the cousin of Queen Elizabeth l, ruled from 1603 to 1625. Inherited all of Queen Elizabeth l's problems.
  • Charles l

    King James l’s son. Always needed money because he was at war with Spain and France. Fought with parliament about not giving him money. Ruled England from 1625 to 1648.
  • Charles I dissolves Parliament

    Through 1625 to 1629 parliament refused to give Charles l money, several times Charles l dissolved parliament.
  • Charles I called Parliament back into session

    In 1640 Charles l calls parliament back into session, parliament said they wouldn’t grant Charles l any money until he signed the Petition of Rights.
  • Petition of Rights

    In 1628, a statement of civil liberties sent by English Parliament to Charles l.
  • Autumn of 1641 laws

    Parliament passes a law to limit royal power. King Charles was so mad he tried to arrest parliament.
  • English Civil War

    The war started in 1642 and ended in 1649. People who remained loyal to King Charles l were called Royalists or Cavaliers, and people who remained loyal to parliament were called Puritan. At first no one could get an advantage point but then in 1644 the Puritans found a general who changed that his name was Oliver Cromwell. In 1647 the Puritans held King Charles l prisoner. In 1649 the Puritans and Oliver Cromwell put King Charles l on trial and sentenced him to death.
  • Oliver Cromwell

    In 1644 the Puritans found him and asked him to lead them against King Charles l. In 1645 Cromwell’s new model army started beating the Cavaliers. In 1647 the Puritans held King Charles prisoner. In 1649 Cromwell and the Puritans brought King Charles on trial and sentenced him to death.
  • Charles I Executed

    Charles l was executed in 1649. First he was put on trial by Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans, they sentenced him to death.
  • Oliver Cromwell ruled England

    Ruled England from 1653 to 1658.
  • Restoration

    The action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.
  • Charles ll

    Ruled England from 1660 to 1685. Was the son of Charles l.
  • Habeas Corpus Passed

    Parliament passed this important guarantee called the Habeas Corpus. It said that every prisoner be brought before a judge to plead innocent or guilty, In 1679.
  • King James ll

    Ruled England from 1685 to 1688.
  • Glorious Revolution

    When England overthrew King James ll in 1688.
  • William and Mary

    Were asked to rule after England overthrew James ll, they ruled from 1689 to 1702.
  • English Bill of Rights

    To make clear the limits of royal power, drafted by parliament in 1689.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written, unwritten, or blended constitution.