How Baby's Grow

  • 2 months old

    Your baby will start smiling, making noices, and start laughing more. Your baby will start seeing more things farther away. And also will start going on there stomach and be able to lift there head up.
  • 1 month old/Breastfeeding

    Breast milk is the perfect food for a human baby's digestive system. It contains the vitamins and minerals that a newborn requires. Breast milk alos contains anitibodies that help protect infants from a wide variety of infectious disease, including diarrhea. Breastfeeding is good for moms too. It burns calories and helps shrink the uterus.
  • 13 months

    They will start to walk. If you would touch your nose she would touch her nose too. They will start to use a cup instead of a bottle. And they will start to point at what they want.
  • 12 months

    Will be able to start to walk. Be a good time to start teaching your child some manners. Have him help you put the toys away. Your baby might think it's fun to push, throw, or knock everything over. May fuss at night for bedtime
  • 11 months

    Will walking holding on the couch. And she will start to get into everything in your home. Should be feeding himself by then with there fingers or spoon. Feed them with either whole grains, fruit, vegetables, cheese and yogurt, and protein. Offer a snack in the morning, and in the afternoon to start off the day give her crackers, fruit, and dry cereal are all good snacks.
  • 5 months

    Starting to grab and reach. Will be getting at the time that he will only want to be with there mom, and only held by there mom. They will start chewing on there fingers.
  • 3 months

    If your baby is already puting her head up, she may consider to start rolling over. Your baby is getting stronger than she could be able to lift her head up when on her back, and hold it for several minutes. At this time your baby will start to sleep better too, and they might go to sleep earlier during the day too.
  • 10 months

    Your kid will probably start to be scooting around the house, or will be able to crawl well on his hands and knees. Might will climb up the stairs but doesn't know how to climb back down so then I would keep an eye on him cause he could fall and roll down the stairs. And may also climbs up and down from a chair.
  • 4 months

    Try giving him materials of different textures to explore or a rattle to shake. Your baby is also more likely to be distracted by what's going on around him so feeding may become more difficult.
    As your baby reaches four months, his stomach has grown bigger so he doesn't need to feed so often. He may have reduced his number of feeds to just four or five a day, but he'll still gain weight.
  • 6 months

    Your baby may be able to roll over now. Your baby doesn't need to be feed during the night.
    Put your baby to bed while still slightly awake. This way, your baby will know where she or he is during an awakening. Try using a night light. Allow your baby to cry a little before falling asleep.
  • Month 7

    Most babies could roll over in both directions. Some could sit on there own. Start to scoot, rock back, and forth, or even crawl and they could put there self up on something so they could stand up.
  • Month 9

    Start saying dada or mama. But wont know what they mean. Babies at this age will begin knowing what your saying. They will start to learn what the word no means. They will have hard time listening to you. Meals should continue to be a fun time for both mom and baby.
    Babies at this age enjoy feeding themselves it is a way for them to learn and explore different textures of food.
  • Month 8

    Will communicate with you through sound. Will start to recongnize his or her name when you call there name. Start getting teeth in the middle lower jaw. Might notice that they are drooling more than usual and chewing on stuff more than they use to. Offer a cool wet washcloth and a teething ring.