Rape of Nanking
The rape of Nanking is a horrible event that was happening in Japan. The rape of nanking is really the beating of people who are not loyal to the standards that Japan has set. It was not just women being tortured and raped. Men were tortured so bad that most of them were killed because they sustained to many serious injuries. There were 20,00-80,000 women sexually abused.
http://www.history.com/topics/nanjing-massacre -
Japanese Invasion of China
The Japanses and China had never liked each other. On September 18, 1931 the Japanese Kwantaung Army attacked the Chinese 7th Birgade at their own barracks and was not expecting it. In response, the Chinese attacked the Japanese on the South Manucharian Railroad to get revenge back on the Japanese. The Japanese officals did not like the way the Chinese responded by attacking railroad. All of these issues eventually lead up to the Japanese invasion of China in 1937
http://www.history.com/this-day -
Germany Invasion of Poland
Germany leader at the time was Germany and he wanted to gain an advantage on Poland in case they tried to attack. The country of Poland at the time was not strong so Hitler knew he could gain land from a weak country. Hitler at this really wanted to try his idea of "Blitzkrieg". Germany had a 1.3 million - 466,500 adavntage in troops. Notes &
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germans-invade-poland -
Fall of Paris
The Fall of Paris really starts when Germany enters Paris and take control of everything and everyone. The French contacted British prime minister Winston Churchill and asked for advce and he said to just hold on. United States Preisdent Roosevelt said that the United States was ready to help in any way. By the time Germans rolled in 2 million french people had already ran. Germans ruled.
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germans-enter-paris -
German Blitzkrieg
The main point of the German Blitzkrieg war was beacuse Germany did not want to be in a long war. Quickly after the Blitzkrieg War Germany became an ultimate threat to everyone that tried to attack them. A few years after the Blitzkrieg war Italy and Japan became Allies with Germany, so they were set to be the ultimate trio. Having the ability to send troops from the air and the ground allows the enemy to not know where the attack is coming from -
Operation Barbosa
Operation Barbosa really is a code name for Germany to attack the countries Poland, Finalnd, and Romania. The leader of this chaos was once again Adolf Hitler. Hitler had his set on mainly again Poland he wanted to capitalize on some other small countries as well. Even though Germany and Russia signed the Non-Agression Act the two still had thoughts the other was going to attack the other. So Hitler had the idea of bringing in more and more allies to help with the attack from Russia if needed. -
Pearl Harbor
Decmeber 7, 1941 was a horrifying day in the United States. On this day the biggest naval base that the US has was attacked by the Japanese. The Japanese though that the United States was planning on attacking them so they wanted to attack first so they could make a mistake and send a message to not mess with them. There were two rounds of airstrikes that came and attacked the base. The first damage didnt cause that much of damage.
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/pearl-harbor -
Wannsee Conference
The Wannsee Conference is a meeting of the top 15 Nazis is Hitler`s mind. Hitler was not sure on what he should do with the rest of the Jew remaining. General Reihnard Heydrich was one of the biggest names that were at the conference besides Hitler. The final decision was that the Jews needed to be killed.
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-wannsee-conference -
Japanese Internment
The point of Japanese Internment was to put people that were loyal to Japan they would be put in jail. The jail was basically like a prison in todays world. What is ironic about this event is that it was right after the attack on Pearl Harbor so the United States is making a statement to Japan to not come after us again.
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/japanese-american-relocation -
Battle of Stalingard
The Battle of Stalingard was a huge battle between Germany and Russia. This battles significance is known because this battle has happened because the Germans and Russians signed a Anti-Agression Act which made it to where they couldnt attack each other. It is also significant because Germany was defeated in their own turf. The battle ended February 2nd 1943.
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/battle-of-stalingrad -
Allied Invasion of Italy
On September 3rd September 3rd our alli, Great Britian attacled Italy. Bernard L. Montgomery was the leader of the attack for Great Britian. Italy was outnombered tremedously by the British and were forced to surrender. When the British defeated Italy it gace us another peace of land. The battle only lasted about a month.
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/allies-invade-italian-mainland -
D-Day is really a day in which American allies were going to attack. There had been multiple speculations on when America would attack Germany and northern France. President Eisenhower wanted to attack as soon as our military was ready to attack.
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/d-day -
Battle of the Bulge
The Battle of the Bulge was a battle between Germany and America. The outcome of this war is what really is suprising to everybody. The Germas wwere supposed to win this battle all the way. However, at one point during the War the Germans backed the American about 20-30 miles back where they started. When Germany did this gave America a chance to somewhat recover and they did. The Americans took advantage and defeated the German. Known as the "turning pont in the european war." Ended 1-25-45. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
The Battle of Iwo Jima was really a response from the American soldiers. The response was because of the Japanese bombing pearl Harbor. There was 23,000 Chinese soldiers versues a lot more American soldeirs. American soldeirs forced the Chinese into Bunker, caves, dugouts, and even underground railroads. In the end though, America wins. The battle only lasted a month.
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/battle-of-iwo-jima -
Nuremberg Trials
The Nuremberg Trials were a series of 13 trials that were held between 1945-1949. The people on trial were high ranked Nazi officials, German doctors, and lawyers. They were on trial for the terrible actions that they did when Adolf Hitler was in charge. The trials are a major part in todays world because there is not as much terror groups as there were. The trials lasted about a year.
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/nuremberg-trials -
Battle of Okinawa
The Battle of Okinawa was yet another attle agsinst the Americans and Japanese. Except this time there was a lot more on the line for the Japanese. Okinawa is where the majority of the Japanese army is settled. So, if America comes in and invades they would have acess to a lot of information. Again , America wins. This battle lasted only 82 days. http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/battle-of-okinawa -
Manhattan Project
The Manhattan Project is a secret and confidential assignment that Presdient Truman had scientist do. He gave scientist 2 billion dollars to build a nuclear weapon that he can give the US troops to use against its enemies. Truman was told that Germany was beginning to build a nuclear weapon so he went ahead and told the military to use it. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/truman-is-briefed-on-manhattan-project. -
VE- Day
This day is a HUGE day for the United States and Great Britian. This day marks the day in which cities in Western Europe have been defeated by the US and Britian. This day is also signifcant to the US and Britian because it symbolizes that we are officially allies and don`t have to worry about the other attacking. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/victory-in-europe -
Dropping of Atomic Bombs
The droppig of the atomic bombs was a big day in the United States. President Truman had to make a reall gutsy decision to go and attack Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If President Truman had not sent our troops to make a nuclear bomb and instead send them in on foot we would have lost at least 100 million Americans. But, in the end we eventually become allies with Japan. http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/bombing-of-hiroshima-and-nagasaki -
VJ Day
On August 14, 1945 Japan finally surrenders to the US and Britian. With the surrender of Japan it allows the U.S to mainy focus on Germany. With Japan bombing Pearl Harbor and the Us bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war ends with a surrender from Japan.