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Homeless Rights
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Homeless Rights
Homeless Voting Act
in 1984, in Pitts v. Black courts ruled that just because people dont have a house it cant stop them from voting. -
The Mckinney Act
The McKinney Act gave 442 million dollars for homeless assistance in fiscal year 1987. Then in 1988 The McKinney Act gave 616 million dollars for homeless asistance. The money was used to help provide housing assistance, subsidies for existing private and public shelter programs, funds for rehabilitation of abandoned buildings to provide increased shelter, and help for programs of health care, mental health, and assistance to the handicapped serving the homeless -
Harsh laws placed on homeless
In Streetwatch v. National Railroad Passenger Corp a federal court in New York ruled that regulations that banish homeless people from places such as railroad stations violate the Fifth Amendment, -
Homeless man in blizzard
Durring the winter thousands of homeless people are left to feeze in the winter months with no place to go. -
Homeless Families After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Before hurricane Katrina and Rita stuck, volunteer searches counted 6,251 homeless living throughout the coastal areas of luisiana, mississippi, texas, and alabama. After the hurricanes struck more than 732,968 peope were left homeless thats 1 in every 400 americans without a home.