Jan 15, 1075
Lay investiture banned
Church reformers felt that kings should not have power to appoint church officials, Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture. -
Jan 15, 1077
Henry crosses the Alps
Henry crossed the snow Alps to get to Canossa. He approached the castle where Gregory was a guest. The pope was obligated to forgive any sinner who begged, but he still kept Henry waiting in the snow for three days to end his excommunication. -
Jan 15, 1122
Concordat of Worms
Sucessors of Henry and Gregory continued to fight for lay investiture. That same year, representatives met in Worms and created the Concordat of Worms, which stated that the church alone could appoint a bishop, but the emperor had the right to veto it. -
Jan 17, 1152
Frederick I
The seven princes who elected the German king realized Germany needed a strong ruler to keep the peace. They chose Frederick and nickanemd him "Barbarossa" -
Jan 17, 1176
Lombard League vs. Frederick
Frederick angered the italian merchants and the pope whounited against him and formed the Lombard League. The Lombard League foot soliders met Frederick's army of mounted knights at the battle of Legnano. The foot soldiers used cross bows to defeat the feudal knights. -
Jan 17, 1177
Frederick and the Pope make peace
Frederick made peace with the Pope and retrurned to Germany. His defeat had undermined his authority with German princes. -
Jan 15, 1190
Death of Frederick I
Drowned and empire fell to pieces -
Charlemagne crowned emperor
Crowned emperor by Pope Leo III -
Otto I crowned king
Followed the policies of Charlemage, allied himself with the chruch to build his own power, dominated German churches and used power to defeat German princes -
Otto crowned emperor
Invaded Italy on Pope's behalf, the pope rewarded Otto by crowining him emperor