
  • Hitler becoming leader

    Hitler becoming leader
    Adolf Hitler gets out of jail for being in their for 9 months and then becomes the leader of Nazi party. He makes the declaration at the Munich beer hall. Hitler and the Nazi party attempted to overthrow the Weimar republic.
  • Anti Jewish Boycott

    Anti Jewish Boycott
    People from the Nazi party and its affiliated organize something that people nationwide boycott Jewish owned business in Germany.
  • A law limits school for Jews

    A law limits school for Jews
    This law limits schooling for Jews, It limits Jewish students in public school. Its Against overcrowding in schools so they solve that by taking Jews and limiting their schooling.
  • Euthanasia Killings

    Euthanasia Killings
    Them responding to public protest , Hitler orders the cession of the murders of the disabled people and people who couldn't take care of themselves
  • Jewish Badge

    Jewish Badge
    If you were over the age of 6 and Jewish from the western Poland. You were ordered to wear a badge that would identify you.
  • Letter To hide daughter

    Letter To hide daughter
    They got a letter that was going to promise land in exchange of their daughter.
  • Death march

    Death march
    As the soviet troops approached , the units began the final evacuation of prisoners from the camp
  • Hitler found guilty

    Hitler found guilty
    Adolf Hitler was found guilty of crimes against all the Jewish people and all the people who wasn't blonde with blue eyes and he would hate.