1923 Beerhall putsch
Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government -
Hitler on Trial
Uses trial to give huge speech further blaming Jews for problems of Germany. Hitler tries to eliminate political rivals to be head of the Nazi party. Hitler becomes more popular in jail. -
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Republic style in the environment
the president was a popular war hero named hindenburg -
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Anne Frank is born
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Reichstag fire
Hitler blames communists for fire,basically gives power of decision making to Hitler within a few months all other political parties besides the Nazis were eliminated this allowed Hitler to get rid of all his rivals -
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Zyklon B
this would became the Nazis preferred method for the Birkenau and Majdanek camps -
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as the army advanced into the soviet union these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them usually by shooting -
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Wannsee conference
Nazi leaders approve the final sqlution or plan to extrminate the jews -
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Warsaw Ghetto uprising
Residents smuggled weapons in
Uprising lasted for about a month
55 troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended -
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camp rebellions
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Death Marches
Allies advancing toward death camps
Nazis evacuate prisoners,march them into Germany to avoid capture
Brutal treatment and harsh conditions along the way -
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late April early ma 1945
Hitler commits suicide rather than face capture by the soviet red army Germany surrenders within a week -
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camps throughout Europe are liberated y allied forces -
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what now?
international community put number of Germans on trial for war crimes ,crimes against peace and crimes Against humanity