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holocaust timeline

  • Adolf Hitler issues comment on the "Jewish Question"

    Adolf Hitler issues comment on the "Jewish Question"
    Hitler went on to describe that Jews were a race terbculosis and not a religious community.
  • Nazi Party Platform

    Nazi Party Platform
    Hitler brought a 25- point program to the Nazi meeting. In that program they declared that Jews be segregated from Aryan society and to take away all of Jews rights. This program remained as the official goals they set.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the reestablished Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the reestablished Nazi Party
    When Hitler was released from prison for treason he immediately reestablished the Nazi Party. He did this as a campaign to win votes in democratic election. Hitler won through majority vote and took advantage of the power he had over Germany.
  • Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor
    Nazis assume power over Germany after German President Paul Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor.
  • Laws limit Jews in Public Schools

    Laws limit Jews in Public Schools
    When Hitler became Chancellor her limited the number of Jews going to public school. The public schools couldn't haven anymore than 5 percent of the Jewish population. About 75 percent of Jewish students attended German schools but were taught about Nazi and learned to love Hitler.
  • Law for the "Prevention of Offspring with Heredity Disease

    Law for the "Prevention of Offspring with Heredity Disease
    That law was passed where they had to steralize any disabled or mentally challenged indivisuals.
  • Hitler Abolishes the office of president

    Hitler Abolishes the office of president
    Hitler abolishes the office of president and is the the new dictator of Germany.
  • Buchenwald concentration camps open

    Buchenwald concentration camps open
    This was one the largest concentration camp. Woman were not part of it till later in the year. it was protected with barbed wire fence.