Holocaust Timeline - Ashley Briggs

  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    The Nazi party gained control over Germany. After, they placed Hitler in the Chancellor position. Chancellor being head of coalition government.
  • Restoration of the Professional Civil Service Law

    Restoration of the Professional Civil Service Law
    This law prevented Jew and other oppositions of the Nazis from civil service positions. This law was exempt from those who were veterans of WWI. Or people with a father or a son who was killed in WWI.
  • Book Burning

    Book Burning
    Students starting burning books to purify German literature. They wanted to get rid of "immoral influences" by doing so. Jewish practice being apart of this.
  • The Jewish Badge

    The Jewish Badge
    The Nazis ordered all Jews to wear a Jewish Badge to identify Jews. This made it easier for Jews to be identified. They also used them to humiliate and stigmatize.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japan launched a surprise attack on the United States. Because of this the United States declared war on Germany. Following the war allied naval forces slowly gained naval and air supremacy in the Pacific .
  • Chelmno Killing Operations

    Chelmno Killing Operations
    The Chelmno killing center was used to eliminate the Jewish population of the Lodz ghetto. This was the first time poisonous gas was used for a mass murder of Jews. The center was operated from Dec. 1941 to March 1943.
  • Dutch Jews Deportation

    Dutch Jews Deportation
    Germans deported Dutch Jews and brought them to concentration camps and killing centers in Germany and German occupied Poland. These Dutch Jews came from Wester Bork, Amersfoort, and Vught. They eventually had taken over 100,000 people.
  • Death Penalty for Aiding Jews

    Death Penalty for Aiding Jews
    The Jews were starting to escape and head to the Warsaw ghetto. They also made it clear that not only Jews who were hiding but also people who helped them would be punished. Germans set up posters alerting the public that anyone who helped the Jews, would receive the death penalty.