
Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler Campaign Speech

    Hitler Campaign Speech
    At a campaign in Waldenburg, Germany, Hitler makes a speech, and in it attacks the Weimar Republic and parliamentary system, pledging to "dissolve," it.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.
  • Dachau Camp Established

    Dachau Camp Established
    The concentration camp, Dachau, was established on this day by the SS
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    a nation wide boycott against jewish-owned businesses was organized by the Nazi party and other affiliated organizations
  • Law limiting Jewish students in Public Schools

    Law limiting Jewish students in Public Schools
    Jewish students became limited in public schools and universities after a law against "overcrowding," was passed
  • Book Burning

    Book Burning
    Books that were deemed "un-German" were burned publicly throughout Germany
  • Editors law

    Editors law
    A new law passed prohibits individuals not of the Aryan race working in the journalism department
  • Röhm Affair

    Röhm Affair
    The leader of the SA, the Nazi party paramilitary, was purged due to order by Hitler
  • Hitler abolishes the Office of President

    Hitler abolishes the Office of President
    Hitler abolishes the president office and becomes the absolute dictator of Germany
  • Concentration Camp Buchenwald opens

    Concentration Camp Buchenwald opens
    One of the largest concentration camps, Buchenwald, was established in old German borders of 1937
  • Helen baker diary entry

    Helen baker diary entry
    Helen Baker, an American woman, described what she witnessed of Hitler entering Vienna
  • Reichstag Speech

    Reichstag Speech
    Hitler declares that the end of European Jewry could be accomplished if war broke out