holocaust timeline

By Angel_C
  • adolf hitler appointed chancellor

    adolf hitler appointed chancellor
    german president Paul von Hindenburg appoints Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler as Chancellor at the head of a coliation government.
  • Establish of Dachau Camp

    Establish of Dachau Camp
    outside the town of Dachau, Germany, the SS establishes its first concentration camp to incarcerate political opponents.
  • Law for the restoration of the professional civil service

    Law for the restoration of the professional civil service
    the German government issues the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service which excludes Jews and other political opponents of the Nazis from all civil service positions.
  • Law for the “Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases”

    Law for the “Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases”
    The German government passes the “Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases” mandating the forced sterilization of certain individuals with physical and mental disabilities.
  • Death of German President von Hindenburg

    Death of German President von Hindenburg
    German President Paul von Hindenburg dies. With the support of the German armed forces, Hitler becomes President of Germany.
  • Hitler Abolishes the Office of President

    Hitler Abolishes the Office of President
    Hitler abolishes the office of President and declares himself Führer of the German Reich and People, in addition to his position as Chancellor.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
    SS authorities open the Buchenwald concentration camp for male prisoners in east-central Germany. Together with its many satellite camps, Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps established within German borders.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
    The Nuremberg Race Laws consisted of two pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.