
  • Chancellor Hitler

    Chancellor Hitler
    In July of 1932, the Nazi party won an impressive 230 seats in the 608 seat Reichstag. Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, then demanded that the aging president Paul von Hindenburg appoint him the chancellor of Germany.
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  • Adolf Hitler Refuses

    Adolf Hitler Refuses
    Adolf Hitler refuses to serve under Franz von Papen as vice chancellor of Germany.
  • The Reichstag catches fire.

     The Reichstag catches fire.
    The Reichstag catches fire.
  • concentration camp

     concentration camp
    The first Nazi concentration camp is formed at Dachau.
  • German army grows

    German army grows
    Adolf Hitler announces an increase in the size of the German Army.
  • Hitler is chancellor

    Paul von Hindenburg dies and Adolf Hitler becomes president as well as chancellor.
  • Hitler's violation

    Hitler's violation
    Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription.
  • German Army

    The German Army enters the Rhineland.
  • Military Alliance

    Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini agree to form a military alliance.
  • Border Extension

    France decides to extend the Maginot Line along the border with Germany.
  • Riots

    Pro-German riots take place in the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia.
  • Commander Werner von Blomberg

    Adolf Hitler replaces Werner von Blomberg as commander of the German Army.
  • Release of Nazis

    Adolf Hitler orders the release of imprisoned Austrian Nazis.
  • Czechoslovakia

    The German Army invades Czechoslovakia.
  • German Reich

    Germany formally annexes western Poland into the German Reich.
  • Paris

    The German Army enters Paris.
  • Hamburg Bombing

    The Royal Air Force bomb Hamburg in Germany.
  • Desert War

    Erwin Rommel mounts his first attack in the Desert War.
  • Army Commander

    Adolf Hitler sacks Heinrich von Brauchitsch as commander in chief of the German Army.
  • Defeat of El Alamein

    The German Army defeated at El Alamein.
  • 6th Army

    Erich von Manstein and the 4th Panzer Army begin the attempt to relieve the 6th Army.
  • Bombing Germany

    British and US military aircraft begin round-the-clock bombing of Nazi Germany.