
  • Boycott of Jewish Shops

    Boycott of Jewish Shops
    Joseph Goebbels makes a speech urging Germans to boycott all Jewish-owned shops. He defend the boycott as a response to the anti German "atrocity propaganda" being spread by " international Jewry." They stood outside of Jewish shops with signs that said things like " Germans, defend yourself, buy only at German shops to not let the Jewish have any German customers.
  • Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service

    Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
    This law excludes Jews and other political opponents of the Nazis from all civil service positions. The law doesn't count for people in the civil service since August 1st, 1914, a veteran for WWI, or those who had a father or son pass in the action of WWI. Later this law takes the jobs of Jewish lawyers. Exempt from this are Jewish lawyers practicing law since August 1st, 1914 or Jewish lawyers who are German veterans for WWI.
  • Law Limiting Jews in Public School

    Law Limiting Jews in Public School
    The German government issues the Law of Overcrowding in Schools and Universities. This dramatically limited the number of Jewish students attending public schools. It limited the number of Jewish students in a public school to be no more than five percent of the student population.After this law many Jews turned to Private schools for their children.
  • Burning of Books in Berlin

    Burning of Books in Berlin
    The Nazis burnt all books that were "unGerman". German students gathered in Berlin and other German cities and took books by Freud, Einstein, Thomas Mann, and others and put them all up in flames. They did the Nazi salute while watching them burn.
  • Editors Law

    Editors Law
    This law prevents anyone, who isn't fully German, to work in journalism. The German Propaganda Ministry took control of the Reich Association of the German Press. They expected the editors and journalists to work in the field to follow specific instructions given by the ministry. This also excluded anyone married to Jews.
  • Law against Habitual and Dangerous Criminals

    Law against Habitual and Dangerous Criminals
    This law was passed by the Nazis saying that they can send beggars, the homeless, alcoholics and the unemployed to concentration camps. If they deem the citizen a threat or a danger to the society they can put them in imprisonment. This also includes castration for sex offenders. This law was passed November 24, 1933.
  • Rohm Affair

    Rohm Affair
    Hitler demanded that the SS kill SA Chief of Staff Ernst Rohm and his top commanders. He was pressured by German army commanders, he went through with it because to become President he would need the support of these commanders. The Reichstag said that the killings were legal.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer
    The German president, Paul von Hindenburg, died on August 2, 1934, after his death Hitler had become Fuhrer. Hitler used his death to seize complete power over Germany by evaluating himself the Fuhrer. This gave Hitler the power he needed to do what he wanted.
  • Ban on Jehovah's Witness Organizations

    Ban on Jehovah's Witness Organizations
    The German government banned Jehovah's Witness Organization for refusing to swear allegiance to the state. Their religion was to not give an oath of allegiance to armed force of temporal power. They then had been placed into concentration camps.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
    The first law was the Reich Citizenship Law. Second was the Law for Protection of German Blood and Honor. These laws showed that anyone who had had a jew in there family bloodline or practiced a certain religion would be sent to concentration camps or a prison. They thought that these religions were a race that was passed down in the family.