

  • Period: to


  • Hitler campaign speech

    Hitler campaign speech
    Hilter promises salvation for the German nation.
  • Laws Limits Jews in Public Schools

    Laws Limits Jews in Public Schools
    Also in 1933 Hitler limited many of Jews freedom. One included the Jews education. The number of Jews allowed to go to school had decreased at this time.
  • Rohm Affair

    Rohm Affair
    The Rohm Affair also known as the night of the long knives was an event when Hitler decided to kill commanders and generals allowing killing.
  • Hitler Abolishes the Office of President

    Hitler Abolishes the Office of President
    Hitler becomes the " Führer " of Germany which allows his to have unlimited power.
  • Olympic Games Open in Berlin

    Olympic Games Open in Berlin
    A positive event where Olympians from around the world came to compete which removed anti - Jewish signs and lifted the anti - homosexuality laws.
  • Evian Conference

    Evian Conference
    Other countries allowed Jewish immigration which brought dissatisfaction to Germany.
  • German Jew's Passports Declared Invalid

    German Jew's Passports Declared Invalid
    Many Jew's were to carry identification cards with them at all times and had to change there names if they did not have the standard Jewish name.
  • St. Louis Sets Sail

    St. Louis Sets Sail
    The ship " St. Louis " set sail many on board from hamburg, Germany for Havana, Cuba which helped Jewish flee from Nazi Germany. German Jews became refugees they were unwanted and persecuted .
  • Britain and France Declare War

    Britain and France Declare War
    Great Britain and France declared war on Germany to honor their guarantee of Poland's borders.