
The Holocaust

  • Hitler rise to power (German Workers Party

    Hitler rise to power (German Workers Party
    After WW1 Hitler joined the German Workers Party which later changed to the Nazi party he joined in the early years and was a good speaker he was appointed leader of the party or otherwise he was going to leave the party.
  • L bozo bro got jail time

    L bozo bro got jail time
    February 26, 1924, after Hitler tried to take over the government with the Nazi party he was sentenced to five years but was released after a couple of months so he would gain more followers from a book called ''Mein Kempf'' talked about how the Jews were the ones to blame for the troubles and that the Germans were the superior race.
  • Burning of the books

    Burning of the books
    May 10, 1933, Is when Hitler burned non-german books, an overestimated 25,000 books were burned. some countries don't even have that amount of books. The Empty Libary is where Hitler burned most non-german books.
  • Hitler coming to power

    Hitler coming to power
    January 30, 1933, is when the president of Germany (Paul Von Hindenburg) appointed Hitler as chancellor of Germany. This is when bad things were going to happen in the meantime. even before he became chancellor he was talking about the jew but everyone thought he was just saying that to get people's vote mainly going for the Germans.
  • Hitler president!!!! (Rag to Riches)

    Hitler president!!!! (Rag to Riches)
    Hitler Became president of Germany when the last president died on August 2nd, 1934, But he became president with the help of the armed forces. With this, he took down the whole office of the president which made him the dictator of Germany. Meaning there are no limits to what he does and no one can stop him.
  • Hitler invaded Poland

    Hitler invaded Poland
    September 1, 1939, is when Hitler invaded Poland which would spark WW2. Many people died and to show numbers it was about 5,800,800 deaths which are bonkers. But Hitler won as they bombardment Poland and warsaw surrendered to Hitler. Hitler's excuse for invading Poland was that Poland wouldn't aid Germans when they were sick or not give them the proper care.
  • Night of broken glass

    Night of broken glass
    The time was November 9-10 1938 Members of the Nazi party went to Jewish-owned shops and broke the glass at night. They damaged cemeteries and homes, Telling first responders to not come or interfering with the Nazi party like firefighters not putting out fires and police helping Thousands were killed that night in Germany
  • Hitler dead Not Clickbait

    Hitler dead Not Clickbait
    April 30, 1945, A lot happened over the years mainly WW2 but in the end, Hitler was defeated after his last defeat in the battle of Bulge in December 1944. His plan was to send what he got to the allies hoping for it to end in a truce but it just ended in 80,00 to 100,000 Nazi soldiers being killed in the Battle while the allies lost less than the Germans. After that the fleed to his secret bunker where he stayed there for less then 40 hours.