
  • They were mad

    They were mad but they didn't blame them selves no they blamed the Jewish even tough they also died for them.
  • They have a war with the U.S

    They were all exited for the war but sadly they lost. But also they signed a unfavorable Treat of Versailles 1) Lose Land 2) Lose Military 3) Pay back money to winners
  • As a result

    -They lost our paying back other countries for the war
    -Great Depression
    -Less Industry
  • Hyper Infaltion

    The price for things grew so quickly that it gets out of control Price of Bread in Germany December 1923- 399 billion marks
  • Beer Hall Putsh

    Beer hall Putsch: Adolf Hitler attempts to overthrow the German Government.
  • His 9 months

    Although he spent 9 months in jail but his sentence wasn't very well fair because he just got to live life like a normal person he go to read the newspaper while drinking coffee,have discussions with the Nazi part about his plans and he even got to make a book
  • How Hitler becomes dictator

    Hindenburg makes Hitler Chancellor
  • The night of the long knifes

    Kills every one who he thinks would be a threat
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    When Hitler Killed all the Jewish people
  • The Republic

    The President was a popular war hero named Hindenburg But his health began to fail in the early 1930's
  • Reich-stag Fire

    In the midst of the horror Hitler uses this to blame the Communists for fire.
  • Enabling Act

    Hindenburg gives Hitler temporary power to kill all the Communists that made the fire.
  • Why he didn't die

    He says that he wasn't trying to do treason but that he was trying to save Germany and that is was the Jews fault. But if they had just let him go they would look bad so they gave him 9 months in jail.
  • Invasion

    Hitler Invades Poland and starts world war 2
  • Ghettos

    They round up Jews and confine the in ghettos.
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  • The final the solution

    The Nazi's kill all the jews
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    As the army advanced into the soviet Union, these groups would round up the Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them ... usually by shooting them
  • Where do they go

    Ann Franks family goes into hiding. They went into hiding because they were scared of the Nazi's. They hid at the secret apartment behind her fathers shop.
  • Death Marches

    Round up all the Jews from the taken over concentration camps an moved them to more concentration camps.
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    Hitler killed himself
  • The hiiden diary

    while Ann and her family hi Ann wrote a diary about her life up until then but after the were found only the died made a while later after the Nazi party was defeated he came back do the apartment and found that diary.
  • Nuremberg Trial

    They accuse Nazi in Nuremberg
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    A lot of concentration camps are being liberated by the allied forces