Holocast Time line

By chasy
  • Period: to


  • Baned from Goverment jobs

    The Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses was observed throughout Germany. six days later, the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service was passed, banning Jews from government jobs.
  • Jews cant own land

    Jews are prohibited from owning land
  • No more Jews at the labor front

    Jews are banned from the labor front
  • No more Jewish Milatary workers

    Nazis banned the jews from surving in the millatary
  • Big red "J"

    All Jewish pass ports are to be marked with a big red "J"
  • kristallnacht

    The night of the broken glass. This night the nazis broke all windows of jewish people
  • Exspelled from German schools

    All jewish children are exspelled at Non-Jewish German Schools
  • Hand it over

    The nazi forces force all jews to hand over all silver and gold