By [>^_^]>
  • Fall of the twin towers

    Fall of the twin towers
    The day of 9/11
  • Ryans Squad

    Ryans Squad
    Ryan meets his new squad and is moved to a unit in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
  • First Mission

    First Mission
    Ryan's First mission was to make a bridge.
  • Goes to war

    Goes to war
    Ryan's Squad is sent to Iraq to follow an infantry through the deserts.
  • Land Mines

    Land Mines
    Ryan's Platoon is sent to remove mines in a suspicious part of land.
  • A taste of home

    A taste of home
    Ryan has a two week break from the war to see his family.
  • Back to work

    Back to work
    Ryans two week break is up and saying good bye is hard.
  • Goodies

    Ryan recieves a care package from a little boy in Kanssas and it is filled with candy, pictures and letters.

    Ryan finally get backs home.
  • From Soldier to Author

    From Soldier to Author
    Ryans Publishes a book of his exprience in Iraq.
  • A letter from home

    A letter from home
    Ryan get a letter from Heather. She asks if everything is ok. He almosts starts crying when he reads this.
  • Hard time Adjusting.

    Hard time Adjusting.
    Adjusting was very hard for Ryan. He had PTSD from the war.