hitlers rise to power and European occupation

  • Hitler being convicted of treason

    After Hitlers failed attempt of The Beer Putsch Hall lead to him being convicted of treason. Hitler was meant to be kept in prison for five years sentence, yet after 9 months was released. While in prison he got special treatment such as being allowed as many visitors he pleased, whenever he wanted. Due to many public supporters, the officers realised they could not leave a man like this in jail for his full sentence.
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    Hitler joined the Nazi party

    Hitler joined the Nazi party (German workers party) in 1919 when he was ordered to spy on the party. He then spoke in the group meeting and they realised he was worthy of being in the group so they accepted him into the group. In 1921 he was then elected as chairman
  • the Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed attempt to seize power. When Hitler was out of jail he made a decision with his party that instead of attacking the political system, they gain all the power.
  • Germany joins the league of nations

    Germany finally gained a government and with his intelligence he got the rest of the world to allow Germanys joining of the League of nations.
  • Hitler elected as Chancellor

    Through Hitlers years he had risen through public support because the peoples irritation due to the Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression. At first he was not convicted as Chancellor and General Kurt von Schleicher was elected. After some time he then backed out which convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor as he had no other choice.
  • Germany invading Sudetenland

    In 1938, Hitler insisted that the Sudetenland region was given back to Germany. Sudetenland had a population of almost 3 million ethnic germans. This fact is how Hitler persuaded to gain Sudetenland back. In the Munich, Italy, Britain, France and Germany then decided to return Sudetenland in return of Germany not invading any other European countries, which is a promise they broke the year after.
  • Germany invades Austria

    Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg went to Hitler expecting to maintain Austrias independence. The German troops went to Austria to join the German speaking nation. Until the end of world war 2, Hitler appointed Austria a new Nazi government and Austria existed as a federal state of Germany. Britain did not interfere too much with this but it alarmed some people because Hitler forced the unifying of Germany and Austria, instead of negotiating.
  • Germany invading Poland

    As soon as it came to attention to Britain that Hitler was demanding to have territories of Poland returned to him, they formed an alliance with Poland to ensure latter security and independence. Though the policy of appeasement was broken when Germany invaded Poland, causing Britain to declare war on Germany on the 1st of September.
  • Germany invades Czechoslovakia

    Even though Hitler made a deal not to invade any other territories inside Europe, he ended up invading Czechoslovakia. Considering Britain and France were avoiding war, they let Germany go ahead with this invasion.