Treatty Of Versailles
-Hitler becomes a popular puplic speaker for his anger towards the Treaty of Versailles. -Hitler becomes the party's propaganda officer and in a speech -"Twenty Five Points", states that no Jew should be considered a German. -Hitler renames the group the Nazi Party and uses the swastika as its symbol. -
Hitlers nazi party
In the General Election that took place in September 1930, the Nazi Party increased its number of representatives in parliament from 14 to 107. Hitler was now the leader of the second largest party in Germany. -
Hitler Runs For President
-Becomes German Citizen-Hitler runs for the presidency against Paul von Hindenburg.-Von Hindenburg wins enough votes in a run-off election to lead the country- Nazi Party becomes the biggest and most powerful in Germany but Hitler is still denied the chancellorship. -
Hitlers First Speech
Hitler made his first speech in at the beer hall Pustch and he did a terrible job and he stuttered -
Hitlers Plans
In a meeting with German military leaders on 3 February 1933, Hitler spoke of "conquest for Lebensraum in the East and its ruthless Germanisation" as his ultimate foreign policy objectives. -
Hitlers Army
Hitler announced an expansion of the Wehrmacht to 600,000 members—six times the number permitted by the Versailles Treaty—including development of an air force (Luftwaffe) and an increase in the size of the navy -
Hindenburg DIes
-Hitler announces a new "Führer law" to be voted on by the public-All German army officers and soldiers are made to swear a new oath of allegiance-Hitler wins with over 90% of the vote and officially becomes the Führer of Germany -
Secret Meeting
-Hitler holds a secret meeting with his top military advisors, -Orders them to make plans for the invasion of Eastern Europe and Russia. -
Beer Hall Putsch
-Hitler attempts to take power
-Hitler and Nazi troops take the leaders of the Bavarian government hostage
-Hitler is arrested for 5 years