World War I Ended
Germany had been newly defeated, blaming their allies for being back stabbers. They blamed multiple pliticians, communists and Jews. -
Hitler Joined Nazi Party
Hitler Joined the Nazi Party. He rose high up in the group through his pursuasive speaches. He claimed we needed a racially "pure" Germany. -
Hitler Leads
Hitler became the official leader of the Nazi Party. The group had about 3,000 members at this time. -
Hitler Gains Respect
Adolf Hitler's goal of a governmental overthrow of local authorities in Munich failed. The leaders,including Hitler, were jailed and charged with high treason. However, Hitler used the courtroom at his public trial as a stage for his propaganda, speaking for hours against the government. By the end of the 24-day trial Hitler had gained support for his courage to act. The judges sympathized to Hitler and sentenced him to only five years in prison, with chance of early parole. Hitler was released -
Mein Kampf
Hitlers journal, Mein Kampf, which he wrote while in prison was reliesed. It emphasized his struggles. -
Hitler Takes Charge
He becomes the German Chancellor. -
Hitler gains legal dictatorship. -
Hitler demands all books by Jewish Authors be burned. -
Jews were no longer allowed to enter public areas such as stores, theaters, parks, ect. -
Jews could no longer own property. Everything now belonged to Germany. -
Jews were forced to leave Germany.