Hitler Youth was formed
Hitler creates the Hitler Youth, which plays a large role in the success of his dictatorship; Michael will eventually join as a spy in an attempt to help the Allies -
Hitler gets elected chancellor
Hitler begins his journey as a dictatorial leader over Germany -
The Night of Broken Glass
Michael realizes his strong dislike for Nazi's, and officially becomes a part of his parent's spy mission in Germany. His journey towards leading the Allies into winning the war begins. -
Germany attacks London
In response, Britain begins bombing Berlin. Michael continues his mission as a spy by "helping to bomb" British air raids. -
38 Countries involved in WWII
It is looking as though Hitler might take over Europe. Michael is forced to sacrifice his loved ones in order to complete his mission. -
Hitler creates the SS-HJ division; recruiting younger boys into the division
Hitler begins to recruit younger boys into the SS division; Michael is forced to face his fear of heights in order to make the division to continue gathering information for the Allies -
Hitler's death
Hitler's days of control and absolute power are over, however, his years of influence continue to impact Germany -
Germany surrenders to Americans
After Hitler's death, he is no longer a leader of Germany; Michael's mission was successful, as he helped lead the Allies into winning the war