Hitler's Rise to Power

  • Diktat Signed

    Diktat Signed
    Origin: Formulated by the Allied powers of WW1 on Nov. 11, 1918 and was signed in January 1919.
    Purpose: To end all violence on the western front between the Allies and Germany.
    Value: This is what basically caused the downward spiral that Germany had once the war was over, economically, militarily, and socially. Because of this, Hitler was able start his infiltration into the German gov't by showing his distaste for the SP and installing a lot of nationalism.
  • Hitler Joins the NSDAP

    Hitler Joins the NSDAP
    The NSDAP was the new name for the German Workers' Party, and was popularly known as the Nazi Party. He joined it in 1919 after the armistice and Treaty of Versailles was signed because it shared his views of anti-semitism and the terms of the treaty. Because of his public presence he became chairman fairly quick and grew his number of followers. Because of this platform, Hitler was able to gain support for his views and against communism and Jews, and with Article 48 he could execute his wants.
  • Article 48

    Article 48
    Origin: Hugo Preuss drafted the constitution in 1918 and it was published in 1919.
    Purpose: It was made to officially establish the democratic republic under proportional representation.
    Value: Hitler was able to use article 48 to express an unlimited and undeniable amount of power to dictate over Germany without question.
    Limitation: This source doesn't help readers know
  • Mein Kampf is Published

    Mein Kampf is Published
    When Hitler tires to start the Beer Hall Putsch, it failed and he was put in jail for 9 months. In this time, he wrote a book titles "My Struggle" where he talks simply about what he wants for Germany after its devastation from the armistice. After seeing the fail of the Weimar Republic and Hitler's "stab-in-the-back" theory, citizens were fond of his ideas since they pointed to a better and stronger Germany. This further built support for what the Nazi Party stood for, keeping him in office.
  • Nazi Propaganda Campaign

    Nazi Propaganda Campaign
    Origin: Propaganda Leader of the NSDAP Joseph Goebbels in 1929
    Purpose: It was made to support the Nazi party and used to make "Hitler over Germany,"(campaign used when he ran against Hindenburg in 1932).
    Values: Propaganda was a huge part that gave Hitler the ability to spread his word and create support for the Nazi party and discredit the Communist party he despised.
    Limitation: Propaganda is one sided so the efforts from the party that disagreed with Hitler cannot be seen during his rise.
  • Stock Market Crash/German Great Depression

    Stock Market Crash/German Great Depression
    In the U.S, the NY Stock Market crashed and since Germany's economy was significantly dependent on the U.S, Germany's economy plummeted to the ground. It was already in shambles after signing the armistice, but this made it extremely worse. Because of Hitler, everything still looked like the Weimar Republic's fault, so its fall was made even more permanent and Hitler was able to insert himself into the government easier.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    After Germany's Great Depression and their defeat in WW1, the country's economy, gov't, and military were very weak, and its citizens had very little nationalistic feelings. Because of the state Germany was in, Hitler was able to rise to power by invoking a strong sense of nationalism and strengthening the government and military. This is significant because it was the start of a more powerful Nazi regime that Hitler led, which overall changed the course of Germany's history for the years coming
  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire
    This was a fire that broke out in the German Parliament, and since the origin was unknown, the Nazi Party took this and ran. They entirely blamed the SCP for starting the fire as a way to plot against the government. By this happening, Hitler was able to successfully eliminate competition and establish the rise and strengthen the Nazi Party.
  • November Criminals

    November Criminals
    The Weimar Republic was Germany's democratic time period before it was dissolved by the rise of the Nazi Party and Hitler's dictatorship. The Weimar Republic was who negotiated and signed the Diktat, embarrassing the whole country. Because of this, Hitler found it to be a betrayal of their own county and named them the "November Criminals" and created the "stab-in-the-back" myth. If it wasn't for Weimar's decision, Hitler wouldn't have had the chance to turn the public against democracy.
  • Hindenburg Dies

    Hindenburg Dies
    Paul von Hindenburg was the president of Germany from 1925-34, and his presidency ended because if his death. When this occurred, Hitler was finally able to become president, and by merging this with the position of chancellor, he made himself supreme dictator of Germany. At Hindenburg's timely death, Hitler had already built up a strong support from the nation for the Nazi Party and what they stood for, so when he became dictator the only thing left for him was to execute his ideas in the gov't