Hitler's intent on staying in the army and where he joins the German Worker's party.
Hitler is appointed to the Intelligence/Propaganda section where he undertakes political training, activities including speeches to the troops advocating German nationalism/anti-socialism, also where he further developed his oratory skills. WHY? His training and growth with skills helped him get stronger. -
Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party.
Hitler challenges Anton Drexler to become leader of the Nazi party. After initial resistance, Drexler agrees and Hitler becomes the new leader of the party. WHY? This helped him become more powerful and know he could overpower anyone or winv fights. -
Hitler's half-sister Angela Raubal and her daughter Geli, move into Hitler's home on the Obersalzburg. His relationship towards Geli initially kindly, eventually borders on the obsessive, fueling rumours that they were romantically linked. Hitler denied this. WHY? He could've gotten mad about it and wanted revenge on the people who thought that. -
Leader of a second party
In the General Election, the Nazi Party increases its representatives in parliament from 14 to 107. Hitler is now the leader of the second largest party in Germany. WHY? If he's leader of the secondest largest aprty, he's gonna do everything he can to become the leader of the largest. -
Fighting for presidency
Hitler challenges Paul von Hindenburg for the presidency, but fails to win. WHY? Since he didn't win, Hitler could've wanted him dead so he could be the president. -
Death of Geli
Geli Raubal found dead at Hitler's flat in Munich. She was 23. Verdict was suicide. WHY? He'd want to find out who/what caused her suicide. -
German Citizen
Hitler becomes a German citizen—enabling him to stand in the Presidential election against Hindenburg. He became the first person to electioneer by aircraft. WHY? His election against Hindenburg could raise his power so he could control Germany. -
Leaving League of Nations
Hitler withdraws from the League of Nations. In the following months, he trebles the size of the German Army and ignores the arms restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. WHY? His growth with the German army, can raise his leadership by a lot. -
Nazis only permitted German political party
He proclaims the Nazi Party is the only political party permitted in Germany. All other parties and trade unions are disbanded. Individual German states lose any autonomous powers, while Nazi officials become state governors. WHY? Since they were disbanded, it may have caused him to grow his strength and power. He is party of the Nazi party and they got the power, which strengthens him. -
Re-armed army
Hitler re-arms Germany with the aim of undoing the Treaty of Versailles and uniting all the German peoples. Military conscription is introduced. WHY? He may have ended up undoing the treaty, which basically causes him more power.