Period: to
Hitler's Restrictions
No Jewish Lawyers or Judges
Their qualification came to nothing as Jewish lawyers and judges were prohibited to work at their respective area. -
Jews cannot participate in sports
In the upcoming Berlin Olympic, the Jews were ban from participating any kind of professional sport. -
Aryan and Non-Aryan children were forbidden to play with each other. -
No more Jewish music
Jewish people were ban from playing and performing any of their Jewish music. All of their artworks and acknowledgeable instruments were taken away. -
The Nurembery Law
-Marriage between Jewish and German cannot take place
-Jews got their citizenships removed
-Jews were deprived from any politcal rights -
Berlin Olympics - No Jews
Anti-semitism and Anti-Jewish posters were removed, temporarily, during the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Adolf Hitler at that time was the Chancellor and Fuhrer and offically opened the Olympics. The Nazis wanted as many German athletes to win, with the exclusion of Jews. -
Baptism of the Jews
Even if Jews converted to Christianity and were baptised, they were still to be classed as members of the Jewish race. -
Red Cross
Jews cannot become members of the German Red Cross -
Jewish Doctors
Doctors have their qualification removed and are no longer to work as doctors. They cannot treat Non-Jewish patients. -
Passport Classification
Jewish passports had to be stamped with the letter 'J' . -
Jews cannot run independent business
Jews were forced out of business and were ban from any kind of retail or ownership of an idependent store. -
Jews CANNOT attend Entertainment facility
Jews were prohibited to attend movies, theatres and concerts. These entertainment facilities took to lenghts and avoid inclusioins of the Jewish people. -
Jews have to hand over their assets.
Gold, silver, jewellery and platium and pearls had to be handed to the police. -
Jews were evicted from their homes and no clearification were given to them. No notice were given and they can do nothing about it.. -
Jew's curfew
Jews were NOT allow to leave home at:
8pm in winter
9pm in summer