Hitler became Chancelor of Germany
Period: to
Hitler's Time in Power
Enabling Act passed by Reichstag
A 1933 Weimar Constitution amendment that gave the German Cabinet the power to make laws without the Reichstag -
Heinrick Himmler becomes head of Gestapo
Hitler becomes Fuhrer
Fuhrer means leader or ruler -
Hitler proclames Nuremberg Laws
Axis Powers came to be
Hitler hold secret meeting with military advisors
Munich Agreement
Hitler named Time Magazine's "Man of the Year"
Hitler begins "Plan Z"
Hitler foresakes Anglo-German Naval Agreement
Hitler approves Manstein Plan
France surrenders to Nazi Germany
Hitler signs Tripartite Treaty
Germany declares war on the U.S.
Battle of Stalingrad begins
Battle of Kursk begins
Operation Husky Commences
Operation Husky was a major campaign of World War II. The allies took Sicily from Axis Powers -
D-Day lands in France
Hitler survives assasination attempt
The attempt happened in East Prussia and Claus von Stauffenberg attempted it.