Hitler's life

By Tylah
  • 1889 April 20

    1889 April 20
    Adolf Hitler is born in Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary, where his family further moves to Germany
  • 1889 April 20

    1889 April 20
    Adolf Hitler is born in Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary, from here his family further moves to Germany
  • 1900

    Edmund died in 1900 from measles, which affected Hitler greatly. At secondary school he withdrew psychologically
  • 1907

    Hitler moves to Vienna with the aim of attending the Vienna Academy of Art, but his application is rejected
  • 1909-1913

    Without any means of money, Hitler struggles to survive in Vienna, living in a men’s hostel. He sells postcards which he’s drawn, of famous sights, and undertakes a series of menial jobs, to earn money.
  • 1913

    Faced with military service for the Habsburg Empire, Hitler takes action to evade this by moving to Munich in Southern Germany.
  • 1914

    Hitler volunteers for service in the German army and joined the 16th Barvarian Reserve Infantry Regiment.
  • 1918

    At the time of the armistice, Hitler is lying in hospital suffering from temporary blindness due to a British gas attack in Ypres Salient.
  • 1920

    Hitler is discharged from the army.
  • 1921

    Hitler challenges Anton Drexler to become leader of the Nazi party. After initial resistance, Drexler agrees and Hitler becomes the new leader of the party.
  • 1923

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the Bavarian government with an armed uprising. The event became known as The Beer Hall Putsch.
  • 1925

    Hitler re-founds the Nazi party.
  • 1928

    Hitler's half-sister (Angela Raubal) and her daughter Geli, move into Hitler's home on the Obersalzburg.
  • 1931

    Hitler challenges Paul von Hindenburg for the presidency, but fails to win.
  • 1932

    Hitler becomes a German citizen—enabling him to stand in the Presidential election against Hindenburg. ...lift up your hearts and draw new faith from the resurrection of our people... Ultimately we shall live to see the kingdom of freedom, honour and social justice. Long live Germany!
    Speech at the Lustgarten in Berlin, April 4, 1932. As quoted in Hitler's Berlin: Abused City, Thomas Friedrich, Yale University Press, 2012, p. 272.
  • 1933

    Hitler becomes chancellor of a coalition government, where the Nazis have a third of the seats in the Reichstag.
    First address as chancellor
    "We are not fighting for ourselves, but for Germany!”