End of the First World War
Period: to
The rise of hitler
In July 1919 he Hitler was appointed intelligence agent of the reconnaissance commando
Hitler join the DAP
He became the party's 55th member. -
Hitler began to work full time for the NSDAP
Hitler Named Leader of Nazi Party
The Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler on Trial for Treason
Hitler is released from Prison
A new beginning
Hitler was released after nine months in prison. In addition to creating the book, Mein Kampf, he realized one could not overthrow a democratic goverment. So he came up with the idea to play by the democratic rules and then to get elected. -
Quiet Years- Jan 1 1926 to Dec 31 1929
Hitler now was the suprem leader of the nazi party. -
Great Depression Begins
When the stock market collapsed on Wall Street (america ) it sent financial markets worldwide into crises. This effected Germany because its economy, was built upon foreign capital, mostly loans from America and was very dependent on foreign trade. -
Germans Elect Nazis
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis waged a modern whirlwind campaign in 1930 unlike anything ever seen in Germany. Hitler traveled the country delivering dozens of major speeches, attending meetings, shaking hands, signing autographs, posing for pictures, and even kissing babies. -
Success and a suicide
This was a great political year for Hitler. the nazis where now the second largest Political party in germany, Hitler also became a bestseller author with 50,000 copies of his book "Mein Kampf" sold. The german national staff invested in supportin Hitler, hoping he would keep his promise to "tear-up" the treaty of versaille which limited their army to 100,000 men. -
Hitler runs for President
This marked the beginning of the political intrigue that would destroy the young republic and ultimately make Hitler Führer of Germany. When Hitler ran for president. -
The republic collapses
The mess in Berlin of political intrigue, rumors, and disorder, the SA, the Nazi storm troopers, stood out as an ominous presence. There were now over 400,000 storm troopers under the leadership of SA Chief Ernst Röhm. Many members of the SA considered themselves to be a true revolutionary army and were anxious to live up to that idea. Hitler knew he could not succeed as Führer of Germany without the support of existing institutions such as the German Army and the powerful German industrialists -
Hitler named Chancellor
The Reichstag "burns"
Hitler, the new Chancellor of Germany, had no intention of abiding by the rules of democracy. He intended only to use those rules to legally establish himself as dictator as quickly as possible then begin the Nazi revolution.On his first day as chancellor, Hitler manipulated Hindenburg into dissolving the Reichstag and calling for the new elections he had wanted – to be held on March 5th, 1933. -
Hitler becomes Dictator of Germany
After the elections of March 5, 1933, the Nazis began a systematic takeover of the state governments throughout Germany, ending a centuries-old tradition of local political independence. Armed SA and SS thugs barged into local government offices using the state of emergency decree as a pretext to throw out legitimate office holders and replace them with Nazi Reich commissioner and Hitler came to power to be Germanys Dictator.