Hitler and how he was made chancellor

  • Elections

    The Nazis gain 230 seats, but Hindenburg still refuses to make Hitler chancellor. Instead he names Schleicher, his adviser, which makes Franz von Papen, a Center Party aristocrat, seek revenge for not being chosen.
  • Schleicher's plan

    Schleider had a plan to split the Nazi Party. Many people liked the Strasser brothers, respected members of the Nazi Party, more than Hitler, so he offered Gregor Strasser the position of vice-chancellor. In the elections of November 1932 the Nazi's seats fell from 230 to 196, so Strasser decided to take the job.
  • Nazi leadership meeting

    A Nazi leadership meeting was held, in which Hitler attacked Strasser's disloyalty and won the backing of the Gauleiters, the zone leaders. The Strasser brothers left the party and Schleicher's plan had failed.
  • Von Papen's plan and Hitler's rise to power

    Von Papen talked to Hindenburg and convinced him to make Hitler chancellor. It would be in a government with few Nazis there. In addition, as this was during the Great Depression and, if he did badly and didn't solve anything, Hindenburg could just give him the fault for everything and he would turn out the good guy. If Hitler did well, the economy would improve and the crisis would end, and so Hindenburg could take credit for that. Von Papen also convinced Hindenburg to make him vicechancellor