
  • Treaty of Versailles

    A peace treaty that the Allied forces made Germany sign at the end of the war. It was basically blaming Germany for the war and all its damage.
  • Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazis

    Hitler is elected the leader for the National Socialist Party.
  • Hitler Youth

    Youth who were being taught to believe the ways of Hitler at a young age.
  • Mein Kampf

    Hitler wrote this book while he was in prison. The book was hit.
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor

    Hindenburg appoints Hitler the Chancellor of Germany. He wanted Nazis to have a say.
  • Hitler becomes the leader of Germany

    Hindenburg dies of lung cancer, making Hitler the next in line for leader of Germany
  • German Forces enter Rhineland

    This violated the Treaty of Versailles which is important.
  • Anschluss

    He broke the Treaty again when he annexed Austria into Nazi Germany.
  • Kriskstallnacht

    A series of attacks against Jews throughout Germany and Austria. Authorities didn't stop what they were doing.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Britain and France warn Hitler that if he invades Poland they'll have to go to war. Hitler then ignores them and takes over Poland, starting WW2.